
joined 9 months ago
[–] CottonSeed 0 points 9 months ago

how hard is this?

new york times

washington post

given how ubiquitos links to these war-hawking publications are, your objection to al jazeera can't be motivated by the fact that tehy are f unded by bad people. it must be something else.

[–] CottonSeed 1 points 9 months ago

From my perspective it seems like you are excusing authoritarian behavior under the guise that leftists do it for others and thus are obligated to do so for Hamas.

i never suggested any obligation. i'm saying that it's unreasonable to disqualify factual reporting on the basis that you don't like the people that funded it. object to the framing, or even to the actors themselves, but the reporting of facts is done by all kinds of actors, and it's up to readers to understand biases in even factual reporting and come to their own conclusions.

[–] CottonSeed 1 points 9 months ago (3 children)

What specific US based leftist media are you accusing

none, but there is plenty of us corporate and state sponsored propaganda posted in these communities and i don't see accusations of shilling for the pentagon and cia being thrown around like the accusations of shilling for putin/trump

[–] CottonSeed 1 points 9 months ago

your characterization doesn't determine the veracity of anyone's politics.

[–] CottonSeed 1 points 9 months ago

what have they published that has been proven to be false?

[–] CottonSeed 1 points 9 months ago

Wow. Just sit in that for a little bit.

this is an appeal to ridicule. it's not a rebuttal.

[–] CottonSeed 1 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Most corporate media aren’t the sister organizations of Hamas.

but they take money from people just as shitty, like bayer and lockheed and the pentagon. there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

[–] CottonSeed 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

fact checking is too easy and ubiquitous to think you can just lie about the facts, so innuendo and framing are the really pernicious aspects of modern propaganda thats framed as news. so, no, I don't think it's necessary to wait.

[–] CottonSeed 1 points 9 months ago (7 children)

leftists link corporate media of all kind. it doesn't impugn their politics.

[–] CottonSeed 2 points 9 months ago (9 children)

that's conjecture, not proof

[–] CottonSeed 2 points 9 months ago (5 children)

I assume the facts are right in most media. it's the framing you gotta watch out for.

[–] CottonSeed 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

could just be some lone nutcase who just really agrees with Qatar’s geopolitical goals.

sure. could also be a leftist.

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