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[-] 3 points 3 days ago

Please be conscientious if you choose to use a coping method like this. Some estimates put misophonia as prevalent as affecting 1 in 5 people. Your chewing on something to calm yourself down may be setting off full fight or flight in the person next to you.

[-] 1 points 4 days ago

I don't think it's a problem that it's 2 bars in each package, but it should say 5 packages rather than 10 bars. The company knows what they're doing.

[-] 7 points 6 days ago

I cannot understand why anyone would use an app with Ads when connect has none and it's free! After getting used to no ads, pure content, I would hate to go back.

I used to use boost for Reddit, but I'm securely in the connect camp now.

[-] 30 points 6 days ago

My sister was unable receive a full set of vaccinations due to a bad allergic reaction, which makes my parents even more pro vaccines because she relies on herd immunity

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

I'm not saying those things are morally worse or something, I'm just responding to OPs question about what merits a tip. I'm just outlining the etiquette.

If you have above average service needs, that's when a tip is appropriate. It's not your fault you have an allergy, but it creates more work, so a tip is appropriate.

Also it's very common for waiters to tip out kitchen staff

[-] 21 points 1 week ago

Article behind a paywall

[-] 18 points 1 week ago

I want to throw up. Rent at the shittiest, drug user filled, mushroom growing out of your shower ceiling, tiny bathroom, kitchen almost non existent, 1 bedroom, view of the apartment across the "courtyard" in my city is more than 10k a year (and that was several years ago). USA

[-] 0 points 1 week ago

Good service is anything outside what you just said. Did you need to ask for any changes/ substitutions? Did you have an allergy they had to accommodate? Are you on a rush and they brought it out quickly for you? Are you splitting the bill? Are there children in your party? Did anyone leave a mess or did a drink spill? Were they extra helpful with recommendations? All these merit a tip. If they do exactly as you said and you were an easy customer, no tip needed (assuming you're in a country where tipping isn't customary)

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

Currently up while my baby sleeps next to me. Some of us put the baby to bed and then lie in a dark silent room for two hours then wake up at 4am to feed the baby and are up 2 more hours.

[-] 34 points 1 week ago

So much nice advice here. I'm turning 30 this month and my dad and I continue to be very close. Top things I'm grateful for about my dad:

My dad is always lifting me up, but he did not and does not give me empty praise. He to this day gives me compliments about specific things he notices, which is amazing for my self esteem. Some examples: While I was cleaning the other day and kind of barking directions : "I love it when you get in the zone like this. It's like you can accomplish anything" or "that's something I have always been in awe of about you; you somehow know when people are down and figure out a way to lift them up. You're very intuitive about it." Or during a long day of hard work, " you're like a machine! You're incredible. Do you need anything?" Complimenting every little thing will just make her not trust your compliments. Being specific and accurate in your praise will help her feel truly good about herself and also strengthen your bond.

Idk what it's like if it's a step daughter and not a bio daughter but my dad would take me out. We never called it daddy daughter dates or anything (ew) but he would take me to dinner and a movie, or buy me flowers, or stop for coffee or ice cream at local shops. If we had to go somewhere for work or to pick up something for a home project he'd just stop at a bookstore and say this place looks cool, want to procrastinate a little in here with me? I know he loves to spend real time with me and he's always opening me up to new places/hobbies

MOST IMPORTANTLY: my dad adores and dotes on my mom. There is nothing he won't do for her. He will help her with the same problem a hundred times. He will make her coffee just the way she likes it every morning. He spoils her, he relies on her, he treats her like he is lucky to be around her, and that helps me to know exactly how I should be treated. I don't allow anyone to mistreat me, not partners, not coworkers, not friends or in-laws. I know what a healthy relationship looks like, and I know what a partnership of respect and love looks like. My parents argue in front of me, sure, but I never ever doubt how much they love each other.

[-] 3 points 1 week ago

I don't think it's the soap and scrubbing that's keeping these dishes from being washed immediately, it's the stopping what you're doing, stand up and bring the soak to the sink immediately that's stopping people. That said I WISH my husband would just Rinse things immediately. He is using the pan literally two feet away from the sink! Just turn and rinse it out while it's still hot!

submitted 5 months ago by to c/

Is anyone else having the issue where you're 30 comments deep into a post, you reply to a comment and when you submit it refreshes the whole post making you lose your spot in the comments?

Is there anything I can do to prevent this?

I'm on a Google Pixel if that's relevant.

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