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[-] 33 points 1 day ago

When the Captain finds Neelix and Tuvok intertwined in an intimate coupling, she is forced to order them to break up.

[-] 7 points 1 day ago

Mass murdering civilians is crossing the line. Vandalism is the beginning of what kind of destruction is justified against those that support and empower a genocide. Having their insurance pay a painter for a morning of work is not that bad.

[-] 14 points 1 day ago

Porsche Unleashed! That game taught me how to do real life 180s and 360s and that may favourite car colour is deep green. Great race replays too.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

Just in the in game keybinds menu. I just get those Unicode squares and a few symbols like there's a missing font or unrecognized characters. I have a flight sick with limited buttons, so I used modifiers a lot just to get around. No biggie, anticipation is sexy, hopefully next patch.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

Gah, still can't play. My setting keep resetting every time I customizemy controls. Using alt or Ctrl adds unrecognized characters that corrupt the config.

[-] 12 points 1 week ago

They really nail him, yeah. Nimoy had many female admirers but was not your typical handsome man. But his portrayals have been getting more and more traditionally sexy. I'm a straight dude, but only when it's humans. ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฅ•

submitted 1 week ago by to c/

She's always this small, fair skinned dark featured woman, but more importantly is her strength and gentleness, and how they empower eachother. The subtleties are differently from series to series, but they're all good portrayals of a complex, interesting character.

[-] 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Their justification is that they need the PSN to moderate the community, right now they can't ban anyone, and only didn't launch with this requirement because it wasn't ready. But now the temporary grace period is ending. You need to agree to terms and services by signing up for PSN, including PSN codes of conduct they enforce in every game. Without that, they can't ban you for conduct you didn't agree to.

The counter argument is that they didn't make it clear enough that this was an eventuality, and that they could and should find alternate means to moderate their PC community that doesn't exclude so many players.

I suspect this is more about policing third party monetization than community moderation.

[-] 60 points 2 weeks ago

What are the bad faith laws in the US like? In my province (BC) here in Canada the courts would publicly flay you for such blatant bad faith coverage. When I worked in insurance we had regular seminars with the lawyers on bad faith; the punitive damages can be (intentionally) ruinous to insurers.

[-] 5 points 2 weeks ago

There are more compatible people for you out there, life is too short to waste on someone with whom you have this many issues after only 1 date.

[-] 12 points 2 weeks ago

She was a perfect Lois Lane.

[-] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Thank you for this, never heard of it until now.

The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.

[-] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

"Big pharma bad" means everything they ever do must be an evil conspiracy! The concesus among the millions of physicians and medical researchers of the world means they are all in on it too!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Explore a 1:1 scale Milky Way in a meticulously designed Starship alone or with friends. Try the tech demo on Steam, run through the cold and dark startup tutorial then find cool things in space. It's already a lot of fun in its barebones state.

submitted 2 months ago by to c/

Explore a 1:1 scale milky way galaxy alone or with friends on a meticulously built Starship. I suggest trying the tech demo on steam, running through the cold and dark startup tutorial, then finding your first black hole. It's a lot of fun even in its bare bones state. Very friendly discord with active devs, too.

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