How high are you, bro?
The show is about terrible people. You're not supposed to think what they do is acceptable. If they only did acceptable things, you'd have a hard time believing they were the terrible people that the show is supposed be about.
It seems you missed the entire point of the show
they're not using LLMs to decipher ancient texts...
If you're a w2 worker, you can't even start to do your taxes until like end of January at the earliest...employers don't have the forms ready.
And banks wait until March most of the time.
This is not a part of atheism. These are old ass narcissistic bigots who needed a new grift as their old one wore thin.
Probably wanted him to win reelection so he could place a temp replacement, instead of losing the seat. I have no idea if that's a thing for judge seats in Georgia...
She does have 3.
2 in her hand, one in her foot.
But the answer is: make the character more unique
Reminder WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch, of the Fox propoganda mill fame.
Uh... What? The US has twice the aircraft carriers as every other country combined
My Roku media player, obviously...
They didn't care so much they review bombed the winner...
They're expecting a market crash once that dumbass forces through his idiotic tariffs. And tries to deport 20 million people.