[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 9 points 2 hours ago

Your comments have a pretty high negative number, consistently.

The comments themselves don’t seem out of place. I personally wouldn’t ban you if I had the authority because you seem to be doing a good job of lowering your own visibility.

I might suggest that your comments aren’t very constructive. You may need to think about what you’re trying to accomplish and word it better before you hit the reply button.

So to wrap it up, you probably should be worried, but not because you could get banned, but because you seem to have unconstructive comments.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 8 points 3 hours ago

Test your setup by camping in your backyard.

In the US we have KOA campgrounds which have a camp host and usually a store. I used them for my first RV trip and found it to be very helpful. Maybe you have something similar?

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 9 points 18 hours ago

Wasn’t there a lot of Ferengi family shown throughout ds9?

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world -4 points 18 hours ago

Recycle it.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 30 points 2 days ago

Don’t feed the troll.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

While it’s not technically safer, MS does make it a lot easier to set policy’s where you check a box for MSAuth.

Since the config is less complex and easier, it’s demonstratably safer to implement it this way.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 46 points 4 days ago

Password generator used the date/time to create the password. It was fixed a long time ago.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

A bunch of people telling me I did it wrong, or used the wrong distro, or that 90% of normal windows users will know how to troubleshoot software that isn’t installing right by going into terminal.

The victim is either the typical normal user or me depending on these types of responses.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

You’ve hit on a good point, which is that the steam deck is an abnormal success in this space.

But you’ve also missed a point. The install of the OS wasn’t being evaluated. Daily use was.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

I’m not. But I know how normal users operate, which is the point of this post.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

Because I’ve been working with the Normal Users for 20 years.

[-] Brkdncr@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Most people don’t see a tinkering with an old laptop as fun.

For the casual user the issues I encountered are not acceptable.


Windows 10 EoL is fast approaching, so I thought I’d give Linux a try on some equipment that won’t be able to upgrade to Windows 11. I wanted to see if I will be able to recommend an option to anyone that asks me what they should do with their old PC.

Many years ago I switched to Gentoo Linux to get through collage. I was very anti-MS at the time. I also currently interact with Linux systems regularly although they don’t have a DE and aren’t for general workstation use.

Ubuntu: easy install. Working desktop. Had issues with getting GPU drivers. App Store had apps that would install but not work. The App Store itself kept failing to update itself with an error that it was still running. It couldn’t clear this hurdle after a reboot so I finally killed the process and manually updated from terminal. Overall, can’t recommend this to a normal user.

Mint: easy install. Switching to nvidia drivers worked without issue. App Store had issues with installing some apps due to missing dependencies that it couldn’t install. Some popular apps would install but wouldn’t run. Shutting the laptop closed results in a prompt to shutdown, but never really shuts off. Update process asks me to pick a fast source (why can’t it do this itself?)

Both: installing apps outside of their respective stores is an adventure in terminal instead of a GUI double-click. Secure boot issues. Constant prompt for password instead of a simple PIN or other form of identity verification.

Search results for basic operations require understanding that what works for Ubuntu might not work for Mint.

While I personally could work with either, I don’t see Linux taking any market share from MS or Apple when windows 10 is retired.


Title reads like at ad, but this is a new way to reach energy independence. I actually have a small EcoFlow device and it’s pretty good for the price.

I hope this tech can be made available in the US soon.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Brkdncr@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world

With Minnesota repeal, number of states restricting public broadband falls to 16.

submitted 1 week ago by Brkdncr@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 2 weeks ago by Brkdncr@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I work with a person that went presented with a problem, works through it and arrives at the wrong solution. When I have them show me the steps they took, it seems like they interpret things incorrectly. This isn't a language barrier, and it's not like they aren't reading what someone wrote.

For example, they are working on a product, and needed to wait until the intended recipients of the product were notified by an email that they were going to get it. the person that sent the email to the recipients then forwarded that notification email to this person and said "go ahead and send this to them."

Most people would understand that they are being asked to send the product out. It's a regular process for them.

So he resent the email. He also sent the product, but I'm having a hard time understanding why he thought he was supposed to re-send the email.

I've tried breaking tasks down into smaller steps, writing out the tasks, post-mortem discussion when something doesn't go as planned. What other training or management tasks can I take? Or have I arrived at the "herding kittens" meme?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Brkdncr@lemmy.world to c/micromobility@lemmy.world

I’d like to start looking for an e-bike. The primary goal is something off-road capable. I’m thinking simple trails and sand.

The next goal would be portable: if it can break down a little bit so that I could get two inside my small SUV instead of on a bike rack that would be ideal.

Edit: for those stating to look at my local bike shop, the closest is 1.5 hrs away and is Trek-only. There are a few other dealers also around 1.hrs away.

Exchange Server Roadmap Update (techcommunity.microsoft.com)

(I am not the author)


I have a laptop with both a dGPU and iGPU. when gaming i see the nvidia dGPU in use but the Activity Monitor remains "grey". If i open the app i see it lists the game is using the dGPU. At some point the Activity Monitor will switch from grey to colored to properly indicate that the dGPU is in use.

Later, after I close the game the Activity Monitor will remain lit up, even though it's correctly showing no programs using the dGPU.

Should i just accept that this app is pretty awful?


Next year Windows 10 goes End of Life. Microsoft will undoubtedly push windows 11 hard, but a lot of machines won’t support it leading to a few economic points of interest:

The demand for new machines will be high, driving up cost.

The supply of unsupported machines will be high, driving down the used market.

Are you all ready?

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