[-] ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

One of my favorite superheroes, Low-Poly Man! With the power to lower your resolution!

[-] ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 5 hours ago

Gotta let the dough proof! Few hours if warmer, overnight if in the fridge. First ball it up and get out all the bubbles before that, then stretch it once it's proofed. And invest in a pizza screen and bubble poker!

I didn't work in pizza for over a decade and become neurotic about it or anything, no!

[-] ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 6 hours ago

I mean, I literally can't. I barely used W10, I just flat out am unable to provide tech support, you might get lucky and I'll figure it out but that's the best I've got.

[-] ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 7 hours ago

Yup, but of course according to the selfish they don't deserve tips for that. Personally I think we should all just stop delivering and force everyone to pick up. People clearly don't appreciate it, why put wear and tear on your car and soul for people who actively hate you, y'know?

[-] ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Ehhh I guess I need to figure out steam/proton then lol. I haven't played games in years. Is Flower up there too?

Edit: Thanks for all the advice on steam/proton everyone!

[-] ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 23 hours ago

I loved flOw and Flower, but I still haven't played Journey, I need to get a good ps3 emulator just for that. Also I just checked and the 2006 "student" version of flOw is still free, the 2007 ps3 version is paid.

[-] ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This little doodad reminds me of Jenova Chen's old freeware game flOw. Fun little game, but iirc it isn't free anymore.

Making 40 clove chicken?

The reboots don't ruin anything about me, they barely even ruin their source material, they just usually end up being bad and not worth watching.

Look, if y'all can't come up with an original idea for your movie or series, just turn to creator owned comics for your source! 90% of it is laid out for you, just follow along and figure out some cool ways to depict the panels and the correct medium for your adaptation. See: Invincible.

Yes and you not tipping makes a difference how exactly? By making sure the exploitative business gets enough money to keep exploiting their workers for $7.25 instead of $2.13? You're doing great sweaty, keep it up. Don't bother boycotting businesses as that would inconvenience you, better to help exploit the worker and then get mad at them about it, that'll help!

Fuck outta here with your high horse.

Now THAT'S a Big Iron!

[-] ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ok this is kinda unrelated but the phrase "looking back on my life" triggered a meta-memory of one of my favorite lesser known Green Day songs from my adolescence, and I've decided to subject you all to the lyrics of the first verse/chorus.

Looking back upon my life and the places that I've been 
Pictures, faces, girls that I've loved, I try to remember when 
Faded memories on the wall, some names I have forgotten 
But each one is a memory, I look back on so often

I look into the past 
I want to make it last 
I was there 
I was there

Thanks, hadn't heard that one in a while.


New list is up! Not much for me this week:

Dawnrunner #3 - Mechs VS Eldritch Kaiju, and memories from the past. Great so far!

Operation Sunshine Already Dead #2 - Love me some LPOTL guys.

Grommets #1 - Honestly not what I'd usually go for, but it's Rick Remender and Brian Posehn, who apparently has been writing comics since his stand up career. I loved his stand up back in the day, so I have to pick this up.

Six Fingers #4 - Love both this and the connecting The One Hand

Universal Monsters Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives #2 - Classic monsters and Ram V

w0rldtr33 #10 - This series is pretty fucking good. Honestly kinda rolled my eyes when I read the elevator pitch but checked it out and have no regrets.

William Of Newbury #1 - Idk about this one but I'm at least gonna thumb through it, looks interesting.

What's on your pull lists?


Big week for me, but that's because of some back issues I'm grabbing. As for this week's releases:

My Bad Escape From Peculiar Island #1 - Looks weird, I like weird

Man's Best #3 - Loving Man's Best so far

Blue Book 1947 #4 - Aliens are fun, we need more aliens, I want comics like Edd had from Ed, Edd, and Eddy!

Bat-Man First Knight #3 - The Bat is alright, also gonna pick up a few ~~bat~~ back issues from the 80s while I'm there.

White Boat #1 - Don't know much but the cover looks cool

Blood Squad Seven #1 - Same as above

Rook Exodus #2 - Not gonna lie I'm probably dropping this. It's neat and stuff but tbh the selling point is that it shares a universe with Geiger, and honestly I'm not sure how much I care. Probably dropping Redcoat too, same reason, though I do like that a bit more.

What's on your lists this week?


Fishflies #6 - Nearing the end of this 7 parter. A kid is shot, the shooter turns into a...thing..., the thing links up with an outcast little girl who identifies with the outcast criminal, somehow this all connects to previous cases and a darker secret in the town that I don't know yet.

Ice Cream Man #39 - This got delayed like 4mo, I've been waiting! Part 1 of 2, (neither part is "required"). They're always about sad things, this one is about car crashes.

Napalm Lullaby #3 - This one has been OK so far, if this issue doesn't drop something interesting enough to keep me around I maaaay drop it.

Redcoat #2 - Also unsure about this one, though I do like the whole "historical cult" thing.

Doom #1? - I mean tbh the only reason I want it is MF DOOM. I know this Doom isn't as good of a lyricist though, so we'll see.


Sorta big week for me it looks like, mostly Image.

Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees #6 - Favorite out right now full stop, this is ostensibly the last issue, but he says he has ideas to continue "if they let him" and frankly I assume they'll beg him to with how popular it has been, so here's hoping.

Ain't No Grave #1 - Scottie Young, looks promising.

Geiger #2 (2024) - I like Geiger, but not sure I'll keep up the rest (redcoat, rook, etc). I mean I'm primed for the whole "nuclear wasteland chic" thing because Fallout (when the hell are they going to release Grognak comics etc btw?!) anyway and it's superhero-ey but new. To me anyway, so it doesn't feel tired.

I Hate Fairyland #14 - Love this series, it's just good old silly fun. The last issue wasn't my favorite, but the previous like, 39 are great lol.

One Hand #4 - Shit got real in the last connected issue, can't wait to see how this one connects to that!

Sacrificers #8 - All in on this one, let's gooooo! I'm so glad it got more than the og 6 issues. In this issue we should get back to our Peculiar Pigeon Protagonist!

What's on your pull lists?


This week's list is up! Let's see..

Lester of the Lesser Gods #1 - Sounds interesting enough,

"Lester, the larping bastard son of the Odin, wanders the post-apocalyptic wasteland after thwarting Satan’s attempt to bring about the end of days. But can this hero of the downtrodden survive the battle arena of Will Frye the Technomancer Guy."

Minor Threats II The Fastest Way Down #2 - I'm all in on Minor Threats, Patton Oswalt done did it again.

Blood Brothers Mother #1 - "For fans of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." Well, that's me.

Light week for me it seems, what about you?


Free comic book day, first Sat in May (May 4th 2024)!

Here seems to be a list of the releases, I'll be grabbing



Tons of strange

What're you grabbing?


Man's Best #2 - I liked #1 a lot, looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Rare Flavours #5 - Ram V is killing it in this one and I love Filepe Andrade's art.

Dawnrunner #2 - Mechs vs ...eldritch kaiju? I'm in.

Operation Sunshine Already Dead #1 - If you missed the first run of Op Sunshine check it out. Made by the Last Podcast On The Left guys Marcus Parks and Henry Zebrowski (aka Gary from Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell), who also did Soul Plumber. The last run sets up the world and the plan for an Arcane Oceans 11 situation, this run they execute the plan. Art by David Rubin.

Spectregraph #1 - I'll probably pick this up, the dude who does w0rldtr33 is doing it.

Mythologies And Apocrypha #1 - If my shop has it, they usually neglect Fantagraphics.

Six Fingers #3 - Following both sides of this one.

Universal Monsters Black Lagoon #1 - SOLD! And it's Ram V? Sold again.

W0rldtr33 #9 - This series is great!

Honorable Mention: Pooh vs Bambi #1 - What the FUCK?!

"In war there are rules, but the forest has none. Abandoned by his country, betrayed by those he once called family, and hunted by those who want nothing more than to keep him as a trophy, Pooh is on a mission and no amount of honey will sate his thirst-he wants revenge!"


Lotus land #6- Been ok, kinda just finishing it up because I already have the rest.

Blue book 1947 #3 - I like this one, the story of the origins of our alien lore

Batman off world #4 - I love this one, weird little batman series.

Golgotha Motor Mountain #2 - Meth from space turns people into cronenberg monsters. I'm in.

7174AD #1 - Idk shit about it, I'm 100% judging this book by its cover, but it looks interesting.

That's it for me this week, what about you guys?


List is up! Short list for me but one I'm excited about:

Bat-Man First Knight #2 - 1930s The Bat-Man (just had to lable it that way instead of "Batman" huh?) #1 was great!

Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees #5 - You know me, love this series

I Hate Fairyland #13 - This one is right up my alley as well

Napalm Lullaby #2 - #1 was ok, not sure I'll stick with it.

What're y'all reading?


A lot this week it looks like, might have to make some cuts, let's see..

Minor Threats II The Fastest Way Down #1- I have loved the first series and The Alternates, gonna keep going on this one. I like Patton Oswalt's writing and the art is great.

Geiger #1- I liked the last series on this one too.

Redcoat #1 - Ghost Machine, shared universe with Geiger and Rook

Rook Exodus #1 - Damn man all in the same week? Can we stagger these?!

Sacrificers #7 - New arc, probably most excited about this one this week, or tied with Minor Threats.

Deadpool #1 - I did read all of Deadpool Vs Cable back in the day, maybe I pick this up.


They went easy on me this week!

Primer #1 - I totally didn't used to write graffiti so I'm definitely not intrigued by the cover. We'll see, if she's more bomber than "street artist" I'll be picking this up.

Six Fingers #2 - I think I prefer The One Hand so far but it's really cool having both sides. The One Hand (Ram V) follows the detective, The Six Fingers (Other Guy) follows the murderer.

That's it! Thankfully, because next week might be kinda heavy. What're you pullin'?


Lotus Land #5 - Been pretty good, almost over may as well finish it.

Man's Best #1 - Maybe, gonna flip through it. Pets in space.

Dawnrunner #1 - Ram V. All I know, but the cover looks intriguing and Ram V is good

Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees #4 - Perhaps my favorite book out right now, if you've been sleeping on this one check out the reprints or trade when it comes out.

Deer Editor #3 - Didn't see that twist coming, this is the last book in series.

That's it for me, what's on your list this week?

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joined 11 months ago