[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

You don't need an entire VPN just to block ads. I use RethinkDNS on Android and it blocks ads in most apps.

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

I don't really remember SQL, does it prevent you from using a range of values? I can understand why leap seconds would be an issue.

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago

I don't really get why people use any time other than ms/seconds since the epoch for anything other than displaying that time to the end user. Having time just be a single number with no time zone shenanigans makes writing logic like that so much easier.

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 2 points 6 days ago

If they can prove you got a bunch of gold with a loan and then your descendants suddenly have a bunch of gold, but they can't prove it's the same gold, is that enough to make the descendants pay back the loan?

What if you did it with Monero to make it impossible to prove it's the same money?

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 3 points 6 days ago

Put it on 90% "sale" all the time.

I know that's illegal, but when have laws mattered to pharmaceutical companies?

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 42 points 1 week ago

Holy hell. So I guess cloaking technology already exists, it's just that the octopuses got to it first.

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I only tried one example, so the sample size is pretty small, but that search engine seems pretty bad. I tried looking up "rust bevy points" in both Google and Yep. The first Google result is a library to draw points in Bevy and the rest are pretty relevant. Yep simply doesn't have that result at all and all of their results are just generic results about Bevy.

I tried DDG for the sake of comparison and it's somewhere in-between. The results are mostly relevant and the "correct" result is still on the first page.

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago

Oh ok, makes sense.

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago

That's sad to hear.

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 2 weeks ago

What about the irreparable harm caused by outlandish fees, or will they be forced to pay those back?

[-] AeroLemming@lemm.ee -2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I think that you're right that this wouldn't count as a meme in most situations, but it still fits the sub because it's political. The downvote situation would seem to imply that the majority disagree with us, but I don't care and neither should you. The majority can be wrong.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by AeroLemming@lemm.ee to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I daily drive Firefox, but more and more websites are starting to break without Chromium, so I still have to occasionally switch to get something working. I was using Ungoogled Chromium until I realized that there was no easy way to update it when that pixel-stealing exploit came out a while back.

To be clear, I'm not talking about stock "no settings changed" Vivaldi. With that requirement, even Firefox could be called invasive! What I want to know is if Vivaldi is relatively safe to use with all the telemetry and stuff disabled in the settings and using any necessary extensions.


submitted 7 months ago by AeroLemming@lemm.ee to c/meta@lemm.ee

For the past couple of days, I've been getting timed out or needing to wait a very long time for things to load. Did we get another influx of users from Reddit? I haven't seen any announcements. I love this instance and its federation policy because I can just filter out specific instances myself on Boost, so I'll only switch if I really need to.

Just tried to post this and got a time out error. (3x)

Now 400 rate limit.

submitted 9 months ago by AeroLemming@lemm.ee to c/android@lemmy.world

I normally use the Aurora frontend, but I used Google's app to check something. I couldn't help but notice that when I swiped and then let go, the page would barely move past the point I had let go. It had no momentum whatsoever. As soon as I got past the ads, scrolling was back to normal and the exact same flinging motion would send me down by at least a screen's worth.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Windows rule (i.ibb.co)
submitted 9 months ago by AeroLemming@lemm.ee to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
submitted 9 months ago by AeroLemming@lemm.ee to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

It's very nice to see that X people liked a post/comment and Y people disliked it instead of just having a singular "goodness/badness" rating. It (literally, in a mathematical sense) adds a whole new dimension to post ratings and gives us a more nuanced understanding of people's opinions. Plus, it feels a lot better to see that 5 people agreed with you and 7 disagreed when you made a controversial statement instead of just seeing a score of -1 telling you how bad you are.

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