
joined 1 year ago

Raven really is a good force in the Netherlands I feel like. I don't regularly watch TV, but a while ago I was at my parents and there we had a TV show on which primarily featured Raven inviting guests on their farm. My parents, who normally are mostly okay with trans stuff but also quite unaware and a bit ignorant, seemed to like Raven as a person and therefore also seemed quite open to their identity and opinions. The show also contained some candid discussions about the subject, including the impact of the way people still fail to fully accept people who don't fit the binary. I think Raven actually contributes a lot to Intersex and non-binary awareness.

As a queer guy wearing nail polish, I have a different (though not negative) experience. In my experience people do notice it, but often either give compliments or make slightly bigoted remarks that can be pretty easily laughed away or countered. I haven't come across anyone who was a total asshole about it up until now though, even when I pivoted to colours that weren't black.

It's also not that I'm a necessarily queer-positive environment or that people support it because of my queerness. Both family (apart from parents and siblings ) and colleagues are generally not aware that I'm LGBT+, and they're also usually leaning slightly "anti-woke". But at the same time they also seem to abide by the Dutch "live and let live" mentality. It seems like they just think "oh cool, he's a guy who painted his nails", which is definitely better than I was expecting of some of them.

I'm actually aro/ace tho. But as a femboy, femboys are still cute in an aesthetic way :3

Hehe same tbh :3

Uhhh, as an asexual this is kinda not a mood and also kind of a mood.

[–] 49 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It was inevitable after their atrocious behavior. It sounds horrible to be caught in such a crossfire as an instance admin. Especially because they used their queerness as a weapon to paint us as the bad ones for splitting the community. A painful reminder that not all queer people are necessarily good people.

Thank you for dealing with this situation and making this instance a safer place.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hopefully that does remain the same yeah. I think we'll be fine though. Most ace or aro people will probably be inclusive because they understand what it's like to not be (fully) straight. At least to me this made it a lot easier to also understand the struggles of other LGBT+ people.

I also hope that we can shake the "pendulum effect" that the subreddit had. Where there seemed to be a constant cycle of "subreddit is mostly sex-repulsed memes -> sex-neutral and favourable people feel left out and get annoyed -> subreddit is mostly sex-neutral or favourable memes -> sex repulsed and averse people feel left out and get annoyed -> subreddit is mostly sex-repulsed memes" .

This is actually one of the main reasons I had for coming out as aro/ace. Not necessarily only grandchildren, but also remarks about getting a girlfriend etc. Coming out had the intended effect though, it has effectively stopped these remarks from occurring.

[–] 50 points 1 year ago (9 children)

I thought this was a bit overkill, because they seemed well behaved for the most part, although a bit annoying every now and then. But this comment section shows exactly why we probably should. They're so combative and seem to completely dominate the discussion.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm a guy (at least for now) and in recent years I've switched to basically using "female" versions of all shower-related stuff. Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner. The female versions are just super nice, whereas the "male" stuff is often "20 in 1 shower gel" or ridiculous stuff like the image is making fun of. I've gotten some shit for it at some point by a certain type of men, but I've actually also met plenty of guys who do the same.

Times are changing tho, and it does look like more and more "male" products going the right way with actually nice scents and separate conditioners.

"Straight" from what they are right now, so for a trans woman (MTF) that means being a woman attracted to men.

This is a common meme that's not meant to be taken seriously. I don't think OP is trying to literally spread that message. Someone else posted this example further down in the thread:

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