[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 9 points 3 hours ago

out of the loop, only using patched clients, what did I miss?

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 1 points 10 hours ago

does anyone recommend any Firefox alternatives? I genuinely hate Firefox's UI and keybinds and the scrolling tabs

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

so, from what I read, some people actually still use leaded gasoline?

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 49 points 1 week ago

why's the mother wearing hyper tight clothes

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 6 points 2 weeks ago

that sounds exactly like legitimate work addiction

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago

this is a really interesting concept, it would be really mesmerizing to hear :)

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 33 points 3 weeks ago

both? both.

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 29 points 1 month ago

the first suicide is not suspect, as far as I've heard the guy specifically said he is not suicidal JUST IN CASD something like this would happen, but that's either not true or that fact sadly did not gain attention

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

isn't every country made up after all?

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago

sadly there's also bootlickers who're willing to take the sides of people who want to abuse them

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago

I really just read that as thermite

[-] 6mementomori@lemmy.world 26 points 2 months ago

the cocaine fixes that


I don't know if this was asked before and I don't know how to look for that so I'm sorry if this is a repeat but, I keep seeing American football posts which I couldn't care less about and I keep blocking the communities but they're like thousands of millions of communities that never end. And no, I don't wanna stick to the subscribed feed cause I wanna possibly find new communities or see posts from communities that I'm not subscribing to but are mildly interesting. I can't think of good words to block either, without catching other communities I care about as well.


I can't find how to make revanced a default app, and clicking on YouTube links always opens the legit app, which is annoying

submitted 9 months ago by 6mementomori@lemmy.world to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

Before the last update, collapsed comments would stay collapsed even after leaving the post. After the last update they decollapse again.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by 6mementomori@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I've posted some controversial stuff, and I understand why I would be getting down voted for that. But I see some of my posts and comments are in the negatives for seemingly no reason at all? I don't really care about the karma because I can't see it anyway, but I'm worried that comments and posts here are gonna get downvoted and dismissed without further consideration solely because of the negative score, like what would happen on reddit. I suspect someone, a troll, a bot, or a misclick downvoted my comment or post and people just followed along downvoting in turn. It's either that, or I genuinely said something bad but I can't figure for the life of me that it is indeed bad. My prime example is my support post for commenting under certain posts, why did that get the downvotes? And I see this kind of thing sometimes on other people's comments as well, and I'm baffled, is it me who can't understand why something is bad, or hive mind came here too?

EDIT: it seems i wasn't clear enough. a) I'm not worried about getting the actual downvotes. I'm worried about downvotes stopping to be a tool to gauge content. b) I'm not worried about controversial opinions' downvotes, I already said I'm not surprised I got downvoted there. I was talking about totally mundane posts, like that one support post. c) I'm not talking about people simply disagreeing, I'm talking about people immediately disregarding a post because of the downvote count. it's not correct to say this doesn't happen, it totally does and... how am I supposed to prove that? all it takes on reddit is see a comment on 0 for no reason and see it quickly drop to -5

submitted 10 months ago by 6mementomori@lemmy.world to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

Before, when I accidentally clicked on a username, or on a link, or on a reply button, all collapsed comments would explode, which was annoying. This seems to have changed, which is a godsend. Thank you devs :D


Let's say we left one single very smart guy (not necessarily with the knowledge: they may be able to understand hard stuff when taught it, but not know it already) alone on a copy of the earth. That person is also immortal. Could that person, by themselves, gain back all knowledge, maybe also experimental, or even surpass that is already available to us right now, before the planet gets inevitably engulfed by a sun turning red giant?

submitted 10 months ago by 6mementomori@lemmy.world to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

Really I'm just tired of hearing about Elon cause it'll always provoke a reaction in me


I seem to be unable to post comments on some posts, but can comment fine on others. Same thing for replies.

submitted 10 months ago by 6mementomori@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I don't want to block world_news and news altogether, I still want to see the less political and the non ukraine war related news, so what other options do I have?


Sometimes I'll feel like "yeah, I know some math, I can do integrals!", then watch some YouTube video from Micheal Penn about why there's no three dimensional complex numbers, and suddenly it's dark magic. I understand absolutely n o t h i n g. it's impressive, inspiring, depressing, overwhelming, all at the same time. There's no fancy words. It's all mundane words like set, algebra, etc. but they're strung together in arcane ways. it's more overwhelming because you understand the individual words but they're a whole other language when together.


Pretty often lately it'll happen to me that I'll look bewildered at reality and just feel like something, even though I can't quite tell what, is wrong. Wrong as in, things just aren't going the way they're supposed to. You think it's going...fine enough, but then you'll feel like you're fricked. Either you messed something up or it was out of your control but either way something went horribly wrong and you can do absolutely nothing about it. So you're there sitting waiting for the worst to occur just so you can simply accuse it to be the reason for your feeling and call it a day and forget about it. It's that, or it's feeling like something with reality itself feels off, almost dreamlike. Though it's different from derealization. I'm really challenged as I lack the vocabulary to express it all well.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by 6mementomori@lemmy.world to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

my post page is...empty. i can see my comments, i can see i have 3 posts, i cannot actually see them from the posts menu. EDIT: it turns out if you disable showing read posts in the settings, it will also hide your posts.

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