[-] 30p87@feddit.de 1 points 5 hours ago

RX 7900 XTX + HL 1

[-] 30p87@feddit.de 1 points 5 hours ago


[-] 30p87@feddit.de 9 points 6 hours ago

That does not oppose Kaspersky being malware in any way ... so what's the point of noting Microsoft?

[-] 30p87@feddit.de 4 points 6 hours ago

Ist sowieso viel besser besser. So wie Raufasertapete.

[-] 30p87@feddit.de 3 points 7 hours ago

Rims are also commonly referred to in inches, at least in germany. But just as with screen sizes, it's 50/50 with cm, the latter being more useful especially with screens.

[-] 30p87@feddit.de 2 points 14 hours ago

Sollen sich gegenseitig umbringen.

[-] 30p87@feddit.de 0 points 23 hours ago

Not really Mac, but I had more issues with normal, very light, work on my iPad than on Arch testing, even with NVidia.

[-] 30p87@feddit.de 2 points 23 hours ago

sWeg ist gut (immerhin benutze ich es, deshalb muss es ja gut sein (ausgenommen NVidia))

[-] 30p87@feddit.de -2 points 1 day ago

Everyone who needs to use Mac or Windows due to work will very likely not have permissions to install anything anyway. And the lost souls using those "Operating Systems" out of free will ... well "some just need to be left behind. The family doesn't need to care for them anymore."

[-] 30p87@feddit.de 5 points 1 day ago

Sag mal Peter, hast du als Arbeitsloser mit viel Zeit jemals ein perfektes Bogensystem konfiguriert, oder ist solch ein System ein Mythos?

[-] 30p87@feddit.de 1 points 1 day ago

Server arch

It better run on testing repos!


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