we can confirm this to be accurate
many :3
average plural creature :3
glad we werent the only ones to read it like that x3
So as long as drag is being thoughtful, considerate and friendly, I see no reason not to accommodate drag’s request.
You should respect everyone's pronouns no matter how they act, doing otherwise shows that you don't actually respect their pronouns and you are just doing so to be polite. Also, please don't call anyone's pronouns a "request".
yuck people who do this suck (the people saying "You must be a troll!",, apparently that wasnt obvious)
realest thing ever
webfishing :3
big mood
this could be its own post
it's not bad,,,,, once you get over the brain fear of stabbing yourself its nice to only have to do it once a week or so
now if you have trypanophobia (needle phobia) it might be harder,,,, still know creatures who have done it though