submitted 2 weeks ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.ml

40 years ago today: I joined a tiny startup called Sun Microsystems. What a ride! Here’s the never-before-told story of how I arrived at Sun as employee #8! 🧵


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[-] stembolts@programming.dev 6 points 2 weeks ago

Wow, insane. I'm currently reading "There Are No Electrons" written by a member of the Amdahl family. In the opening pages he talks about his siblings and ascendents and talks briefly about Amdahl corp then in the opening to this article this engineer got their start at Amdahl.

Fun coincidence I wanted to share. If you want to read a book about science that sets aside reverence for science and reads more like a Sunday comic, check out the book I mentioned. Especially fun if you're trained in electronics, tho the author specifically states the book is NOT for those trained in science, haha.

[-] lemmyreader@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 weeks ago

The book you mention appears to be quite something! (below parts of a description I found on the Internet). Thanks for sharing, guess it makes a perfect gift book for a friend of mine :)

An off-beat introduction to the workings of electricity for people who wish Richard Brautigan and Kurt Vonnegut had teamed up to explain inductance and capacitance to them.

To understand your toaster or your fax machine, it doesn't really matter whether there are electrons or not, and it's a lot easier and more fun to start with the toaster than with quarks and calculus. The book is mildly weird, often funny, always clear and easy to understand.

OK, it's more than mildly weird.The book has been reprinted numerous times since 1991 and has achieved minor cult status. Reviewed and praised in dozens of electronics and educational magazines, it is used as a text by major corporations, colleges, high schools, military schools and trade schools. It has been studied by education programs at colleges across the United States.

[-] aard@kyu.de 4 points 2 weeks ago

Funny timing, I'm currently going through a stack of Sun hardware in my garage to decide what to keep, and for what I'll try to find a good home (or eventually dispose of it).

this post was submitted on 03 May 2024
57 points (96.7% liked)


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