No UK? I thought we'd be higher.
Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
65th, 5.2 tons per capita, just behind 5.5 that of Italy. you still could be proud thou /s
Thanks for digging that up. It's pretty cool, but even Britain have a massive way to go, so disturbing that many are doing worse than us.
So, Qatar is at the top of the list - for what? Doe they count exported oil, or do they actually burn loads of their own oil locally for whatever reasons? Or is this due to refining stuff and gas flares?
We have data from the same source for 2022 already.:
Table with the data. It is large so
Entity | Code | Annual CO₂ emissions (per capita) |
Qatar | QAT | 37,601273 |
United Arab Emirates | ARE | 25,833244 |
Bahrain | BHR | 25,672274 |
Kuwait | KWT | 25,578102 |
Brunei | BRN | 23,950201 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | 22,423758 |
Saudi Arabia | SAU | 18,197495 |
New Caledonia | NCL | 17,641167 |
Oman | OMN | 15,730261 |
Australia | AUS | 14,985412 |
United States | USA | 14,949616 |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SXM | 14,352394 |
Canada | CAN | 14,249212 |
Faroe Islands | FRO | 14,084624 |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | 13,979704 |
Palau | PLW | 12,123921 |
Taiwan | TWN | 11,630868 |
Luxembourg | LUX | 11,618432 |
South Korea | KOR | 11,598764 |
Russia | RUS | 11,416899 |
Mongolia | MNG | 11,150772 |
Turkmenistan | TKM | 11,03418 |
North America | 10,5346775 | |
Greenland | GRL | 10,473997 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM | 10,293288 |
High-income countries | 10,136309 | |
Oceania | 9,85179 | |
Iceland | ISL | 9,499798 |
Czechia | CZE | 9,3357525 |
Libya | LBY | 9,242238 |
Curacao | CUW | 9,189007 |
Singapore | SGP | 8,911513 |
Europe (excl, EU-28) | 8,817789 | |
Anguilla | AIA | 8,752724 |
Malaysia | MYS | 8,576508 |
Japan | JPN | 8,501681 |
Aruba | ABW | 8,133404 |
Poland | POL | 8,106886 |
China | CHN | 7,992761 |
Germany | DEU | 7,9837584 |
Europe (excl, EU-27) | 7,886797 | |
Iran | IRN | 7,7993317 |
Estonia | EST | 7,77628 |
Ireland | IRL | 7,7211185 |
Belgium | BEL | 7,6875386 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA | 7,636793 |
Norway | NOR | 7,5093055 |
Netherlands | NLD | 7,1372175 |
Bermuda | BMU | 6,9370627 |
Austria | AUT | 6,8781943 |
Europe | 6,8578663 | |
Bulgaria | BGR | 6,8044534 |
South Africa | ZAF | 6,7461643 |
Upper-middle-income countries | 6,617815 | |
Finland | FIN | 6,5267396 |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | 6,4218745 |
New Zealand | NZL | 6,212154 |
Israel | ISR | 6,208912 |
European Union (27) | 6,1743994 | |
Belarus | BLR | 6,1669006 |
Seychelles | SYC | 6,1495123 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | 6,1034565 |
Slovakia | SVK | 6,051555 |
Serbia | SRB | 6,024712 |
Slovenia | SVN | 5,9979916 |
European Union (28) | 5,983708 | |
Suriname | SUR | 5,8029985 |
Greece | GRC | 5,7451057 |
Italy | ITA | 5,726825 |
Cyprus | CYP | 5,616782 |
Bahamas | BHS | 5,1708703 |
Spain | ESP | 5,1644425 |
Turkey | TUR | 5,1052055 |
British Virgin Islands | VGB | 5,0039577 |
Denmark | DNK | 4,940161 |
Montserrat | MSR | 4,8447766 |
Kosovo | OWID_KOS | 4,830646 |
North America (excl, USA) | 4,741475 | |
United Kingdom | GBR | 4,7201805 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA | 4,708081 |
World | OWID_WRL | 4,658219 |
Andorra | AND | 4,6171236 |
Asia | 4,611434 | |
Lithuania | LTU | 4,606163 |
France | FRA | 4,603891 |
Hungary | HUN | 4,449911 |
Barbados | BRB | 4,3772573 |
Guyana | GUY | 4,3736935 |
Lebanon | LBN | 4,3543963 |
Croatia | HRV | 4,348515 |
Chile | CHL | 4,3041654 |
Argentina | ARG | 4,2378173 |
Nauru | NRU | 4,1700416 |
Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba | BES | 4,083284 |
Hong Kong | HKG | 4,081913 |
Portugal | PRT | 4,050785 |
Switzerland | CHE | 4,0478554 |
Iraq | IRQ | 4,024638 |
Asia (excl, China and India) | 4,017375 | |
Mexico | MEX | 4,0153365 |
Cook Islands | COK | 3,9950094 |
Algeria | DZA | 3,9272263 |
Niue | NIU | 3,8729508 |
Liechtenstein | LIE | 3,8097827 |
Thailand | THA | 3,7762568 |
Romania | ROU | 3,739777 |
Azerbaijan | AZE | 3,6746833 |
Montenegro | MNE | 3,6558185 |
Marshall Islands | MHL | 3,6353714 |
North Macedonia | MKD | 3,6245701 |
Sweden | SWE | 3,6069093 |
Latvia | LVA | 3,561689 |
Ukraine | UKR | 3,5578535 |
Vietnam | VNM | 3,4995174 |
Uzbekistan | UZB | 3,4830604 |
Saint Helena | SHN | 3,2986484 |
Mauritius | MUS | 3,2697906 |
Maldives | MDV | 3,2475724 |
Malta | MLT | 3,1035979 |
Laos | LAO | 3,0803475 |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | 3,0307202 |
Georgia | GEO | 2,962545 |
Tunisia | TUN | 2,879285 |
French Polynesia | PYF | 2,8509297 |
Botswana | BWA | 2,838951 |
Venezuela | VEN | 2,7168686 |
Grenada | GRD | 2,7133646 |
Panama | PAN | 2,699258 |
Indonesia | IDN | 2,6456614 |
Saint Lucia | LCA | 2,6149206 |
South America | 2,4865332 | |
Gabon | GAB | 2,3882635 |
Egypt | EGY | 2,333106 |
Ecuador | ECU | 2,3117273 |
Uruguay | URY | 2,3060381 |
Armenia | ARM | 2,3045583 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | 2,2964725 |
Jamaica | JAM | 2,2945588 |
Wallis and Futuna | WLF | 2,2819076 |
Brazil | BRA | 2,2454574 |
Dominica | DMA | 2,1058853 |
Dominican Republic | DOM | 2,1051137 |
Jordan | JOR | 2,0301995 |
India | IND | 1,9966822 |
North Korea | PRK | 1,9513915 |
Colombia | COL | 1,9223082 |
Cuba | CUB | 1,8659163 |
Lower-middle-income countries | 1,8575872 | |
Morocco | MAR | 1,8263615 |
Belize | BLZ | 1,7894346 |
Peru | PER | 1,7891879 |
Tonga | TON | 1,7686282 |
Bolivia | BOL | 1,7583066 |
Albania | ALB | 1,7432004 |
Moldova | MDA | 1,6565942 |
Namibia | NAM | 1,5399038 |
Costa Rica | CRI | 1,5226681 |
Macao | MAC | 1,5127679 |
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | 1,4251612 |
Lesotho | LSO | 1,3594668 |
Bhutan | BTN | 1,3489918 |
Paraguay | PRY | 1,3299496 |
Micronesia (country) | FSM | 1,3243006 |
Philippines | PHL | 1,3014648 |
Syria | SYR | 1,2490375 |
Congo | COG | 1,2447897 |
El Salvador | SLV | 1,2174718 |
Cambodia | KHM | 1,1900775 |
Fiji | FJI | 1,1550449 |
Samoa | WSM | 1,1218625 |
Guatemala | GTM | 1,0756185 |
Honduras | HND | 1,0696708 |
Eswatini | SWZ | 1,0527312 |
Tajikistan | TJK | 1,0064901 |
Tuvalu | TUV | 1,0004411 |
Africa | 0,99422127 | |
Cape Verde | CPV | 0,9588915 |
Mauritania | MRT | 0,957337 |
Pakistan | PAK | 0,84893465 |
Nicaragua | NIC | 0,79879653 |
Sri Lanka | LKA | 0,7936504 |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | 0,77131313 |
Senegal | SEN | 0,6738352 |
Palestine | PSE | 0,6660658 |
Myanmar | MMR | 0,6445672 |
Vanuatu | VUT | 0,6363055 |
Benin | BEN | 0,631487 |
Ghana | GHA | 0,6215505 |
Bangladesh | BGD | 0,5964455 |
Nigeria | NGA | 0,5891771 |
Sao Tome and Principe | STP | 0,5816142 |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | 0,542628 |
Kiribati | KIR | 0,5184742 |
Nepal | NPL | 0,5074035 |
East Timor | TLS | 0,49869007 |
Comoros | COM | 0,49327007 |
Sudan | SDN | 0,4696261 |
Kenya | KEN | 0,45998666 |
Angola | AGO | 0,45155162 |
Zambia | ZMB | 0,44570068 |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | 0,41668788 |
Solomon Islands | SLB | 0,41232163 |
Djibouti | DJI | 0,40418932 |
Guinea | GIN | 0,35742033 |
Cameroon | CMR | 0,34292704 |
Yemen | YEM | 0,33701748 |
Mali | MLI | 0,31153768 |
Afghanistan | AFG | 0,29536375 |
Togo | TGO | 0,2910665 |
Low-income countries | 0,28599972 | |
Gambia | GMB | 0,2847278 |
Burkina Faso | BFA | 0,26295447 |
Mozambique | MOZ | 0,24274588 |
Tanzania | TZA | 0,23771806 |
Haiti | HTI | 0,21119381 |
Eritrea | ERI | 0,18914719 |
South Sudan | SSD | 0,1680176 |
Liberia | LBR | 0,1653753 |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | 0,15518051 |
Ethiopia | ETH | 0,15458965 |
Madagascar | MDG | 0,14871116 |
Chad | TCD | 0,13367727 |
Sierra Leone | SLE | 0,13124847 |
Uganda | UGA | 0,12744623 |
Niger | NER | 0,116688 |
Rwanda | RWA | 0,112346195 |
Malawi | MWI | 0,10262384 |
Burundi | BDI | 0,06194545 |
Central African Republic | CAF | 0,040548485 |
Somalia | SOM | 0,03676208 |
Democratic Republic of Congo | COD | 0,036375992 |
Romania is 87th... Not bad!
The US should be at the top of every list and here isn't in the top ten? This place really is going to shit
Clearly we need to pump up our numbers. /s
yea, each american citizen secretly has an oil field in his backyard and 4wd cars and a herd of camels to move around just in case