Obsidian! Can't recomment it enough! It's simple, has everything I need and a shitton of plugins (dice roller, statblocks, Initiative tracker, fantasy calendar, a tool for working with maps with pins and everything, ability to embed all sorts of generators from generators websites, wiki styled notes and more!)
Discussion of table top roleplaying games.
I use WorldAnvil for all my GM stuff :D Got my notes in their notebook, my worldbuilding in articles, etc etc. It's a bit of a heavy program unless you're going hard on worldbuilding, but I do go hard on worldbuilding so it's perfect for me.
Used to use onenote before, but those aren't really searchable last I checked.
I use the superior method, a mess of illegible scribblings in a journal. I am trying to get better about it, though. And one thing im really trying to do is focus my prep on what the region is like, and what the important actors there are doing, and not on what i think the players will do. Every time I try to predict the pc actions they completely flip my prep on its head, so I want to go for more of an "informed improv" type prep
Obsidian is a personal favorite.
Gm notes? what are those?
seriously though, I have someone in the party keep a journal of things that have happened. Then I keep a bullet point notes in a notepad or piece of paper that I have behind the GM screen.
I use obsidian, and git to sync between devices.
I use Onenote, it's free. Let's you have a book with folders and pages. You can have blank lines dotted or graph paper. You can use it to search images uploaded to it. Combined with a surface pro to write on the screen I can do everything I want to from draw maps, edit character sheets and take notes. You can hyperlink between pages and print pdf's into it. Fabulous piece of software for RPGs.
Yup, surface pro 9, stylus and onenote is all I need
I'm a big fan of the Notion template from Sly Flourish. You can find it here: https://slyflourish.com/lazy_dnd_with_notion.html
Thank you for the neat website! This looks so cool
This has been a lifesaver for me for years now. Just need to add some sections for world building and it'd be even better!