submitted 6 months ago by hamtron5000 to c/diy

'sup, comrades? i meant to do this thread weekly, but oops! forgot for a month. oh well - what do you have going on, what are you working on?

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[-] alex@jlai.lu 8 points 6 months ago

I'm a terrible DIYer but I have to say: I put up two Ikea bookshelves by myself, which is progress. Baby steps.

[-] solariplex 7 points 6 months ago

I'm working on free software to do real-time translation of speeches at conferences and such, from Norwegian to English or {insert language}.

Using Whisper and TTS on a server, and a web interface accessed on the participants' smartphone/device.

[-] joulethief@compuverse.uk 6 points 6 months ago

Currently building an indirect backlight for my bathroom mirror. The outer ring is going to hold a piece of warm-white LED strip.

[-] schmorpel 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

We built pig shelters from pallets, and I'm almost finished knitting a plant-dyed pullover from local wool, just in time for winter. Other than that the rain has been putting me off doing much. I wanted to mount the ram pump back in the stream to try out a new approach for feeding it but there's water everywhere ๐Ÿ˜… Maybe I should buy proper waders if I want to play in the stream in winter.

[-] JacobCoffinWrites 4 points 6 months ago

I finished the sound recorder build for now, might return to it in another week. Got a midcentury desk, a park bench, and two old bar stools I'm restoring to give away. I need to fabricate replacement curved boards for the back of the bench, and I don't have any oak in the right dimensions, so this week's project will probably be the desk. I just need to get the top on it, predrill all the holes, and get in touch with the people who'll be taking it. For the bench, I need to get in touch with some relatives, pick through their wood piles. For the barstools, I need to sand the rest of the finish off and figure out what I'm going to replace the seats (currently torn orange vinyl and the cheapest plywood I've ever seen) with. Maybe big slices of tree, or just some carved seats.

[-] toaster 3 points 6 months ago

Organizing all my networking and homelab gear onto plywood for a "router wall".

[-] FireTower@lemmy.world 3 points 6 months ago

I 3D printed a short cable management system for the copious amount of cables flowing out of my PC.

[-] hamtron5000 2 points 6 months ago

answering my own question, i'm snagging a couple of old mountain bikes from a coworker and her husband who don't use them. going to fix them up a bit for myself and my wife, maybe make mine into a low-end bikepacking rig. i like that idea; we'll see how much stuff i can use from my own boneyard and what, if anything, i'll have to buy. good times.

this post was submitted on 03 Nov 2023
25 points (100.0% liked)


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