submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by httpjames@sh.itjust.works to c/mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world

This YouTuber went to Japan to travel for free by abusing people's hospitality and committing fare theft on public transportation.

top 26 comments
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[-] ech@lemm.ee 140 points 7 months ago

Pro-tip: Don't link to rage-bait like this if you actually want to do anything about it. It's what they want, and how they garner "activity" for the almighty Algorithm™

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 37 points 7 months ago

Nope, it's already been removed by YouTube lol

[-] Zagorath@aussie.zone 18 points 7 months ago
[-] DarkDarkHouse@lemmy.sdf.org 9 points 7 months ago

We love to not see it, too

[-] ech@lemm.ee 2 points 7 months ago

Besides the point, really. It wasn't removed when they posted it.

[-] Annoyed_Crabby@monyet.cc 9 points 7 months ago

Pipedlinkbot: bonjour

[-] amio@kbin.social 0 points 7 months ago

And also, s/ if.*/./

[-] lemann@lemmy.one 65 points 7 months ago

Video has 47K dislikes on RYD 😂 I wonder how many are in the YT dashboard 😳

On a serious note though, why anyone do this, in Japan of all places, and think it would make for a good Youtube video?

Looking at the generally very friendly culture in Japan towards foreigners, and their extremely clean and effective transport network, I wouldn't even consider abusing people's kindness to travel around for free!

[-] NuXCOM_90Percent@lemmy.zip 19 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

A lot of streamers have made a name for themselves by being assholes in Japan. Because you largely have the British "if I ignore this buffoon they will go away" coupled with racist "ha ha, they said ching chong ching" bullshit if someone does confront the youtuber.

Ludwig/Mogul Mail has a good video about some dipshit who would run up and say "hiroshima nagasaki" to people who eventually got his ass beat, repeatedly, and was arrested. But the norm is that Japanese folk just want to move on with their day and hope the asshole leaves them alone after a minute or so. Although, I want to say that also somehow became one of Lud's love letters to (deranged wannabe rapist) ishowspeed, so... yeah.

Also, while I don't watch the assholes, I have seen mention of a lot more IRL streamers who are hoping they can get into a video (or just have footage of) the more popular streamers ever since OTV included a chance meeting with (Anime with) Alvin Zhou during one of their recent Japan videos. And lots of other streamers and youtubers have been making Japan content since basically everyone with patreon cash in the US were annoyed we couldn't go to Japan for like two years of COVID

[-] kakes@sh.itjust.works 16 points 7 months ago

On a serious note though, why anyone do this, in Japan of all places, and think it would make for a good Youtube video?

Well, it got shared here, didn't it? We're all engaging in it, driving ad revenue. (Or, would be, had it not been removed)

[-] lemann@lemmy.one 10 points 7 months ago

(Or, would be, had it not been removed)

> This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines

Wow I'm actually surprised Youtube stepped in on this one, since they rarely do. Hopefully it sends a strong message to the channel owner - according to another commenter here apparently this wasn't their first time doing something like this

[-] Carighan@lemmy.world 3 points 7 months ago

To be fair, exposure does not usually imply complicity, unless you failed to report something in a situation where as a layman you could tell this is legally questionable.

That is, clicking on a link then downvoting might be enough for you in regards to handling it. Yeah, it would have been better to either never click on it or flat out report it (Youtube has now taken down the video, phew), but that goes beyond what someone just clicking on some link could reasonably be expected to do.

[-] amio@kbin.social 2 points 7 months ago

think it would make for a good Youtube video?

Because it does, for a certain definition of "good". It's blatant ragebait and OP swallowed it whole, then felt like sharing. That's exactly how it's intended to work and OP is either in on it or was played like a fiddle.

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 53 points 7 months ago

There's a whole class of YouTube travel influencers, that talk about how to travel for free, or reduce cost.. and their tips are basically how do you externalize the cost of your vacation to the people you're visiting. Through either begging, working illegally, or outright theft relying on the politeness of the population to not get you in trouble.

I really hope, that these influences are just being sensational, and the people are watching them from an outrage porn perspective. But I've seen some of these begging travelers in real life... Sadly

[-] Annoyed_Crabby@monyet.cc 29 points 7 months ago

We have them often begging or selling stuff in tourist spot in Malaysia, and we call them Begpacker, because that's what they are.

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 30 points 7 months ago

It makes me really angry when I see it. Somebody from a country where the minimum wage is like $15-20 a hour, begging for money from people were the average wage is like $1 a hour....

I have no right to be angry, I realize, but it just feels so entitled and.. the squandered opportunities... Haha making myself angry again

[-] amio@kbin.social 39 points 7 months ago

So... don't give them views by linking them all over, then?

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 32 points 7 months ago

I made it to about 2 minutes before I had to stop watching... They're "strategy" to travel Japan "for free" is just panhandling and cheating drivers out of their fare lol

I think my favorite part of the little I saw was the second guy saying "I think I might have to borrow some money" right before he starts begging for change from strangers... Like is he going to track them down to return their 50 yen back??? How does someone beg people for change but still sound condescending about it???

I don't know how anyone thought this was a good idea for a video. This is something you would do when you're desperate and hope no one you know ever finds out about it lol

[-] andrew_bidlaw@sh.itjust.works 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

panhandling and cheating drivers out of their fare lol

If only they've tried it with a guy called Taichi Suzuki. If only.

Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza as a taxi driver

[-] Caesium@lemmy.world 7 points 7 months ago

If you want to watch a similar experience that doesn't ruin other people's days, I recommend checking out Vagrant Holiday's videos! The guy tries to spend the least amount of money possible while traveling without being an asshole. he's even done a video in Japan! I should really binge his stuff again

[-] justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

I don’t know how anyone thought this was a good idea for a video.

The dumber and more infuriating a video is, the higher the chance that viewers will start arguing with each other and/or the creator, and share links offsite to show others just HOW dumb and infuriating the video is. It's the entire point of Rage Bait to be as obnoxious as possible to make people interact with the video in one way or another, because the creator gets "paid per click" in ad revenue. It doesn't matter to those people whether the comments are actually civil discussions or literally every youtuber just commented "f- you!", because both are worth one click = same amount of cash. Sharing links offsite is free advertisement on top of that.

Long story short, it is deliberate. And the best way to deal with those is to report and ignore them.

[-] nvrmind@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

I love the way he says it's like an action movie, like I'm just imagining what kind of boring ass action movie that would be, sitting on a toilet pretending to shit for 2 hours 💀 (watched Penguinz0 video didn't support original)

[-] tiredofsametab@kbin.social 23 points 7 months ago

I hope he gets referred to the police for his bullshit, sits in a cell, and then gets perma-banned from here.

[-] Annoyed_Crabby@monyet.cc 11 points 7 months ago
[-] jet@hackertalks.com 6 points 7 months ago

Could have been fun and uplifting.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDBzi0n9Fxg

But no.. we have to be outrageous

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

That was kind of adorable lol

this post was submitted on 25 Oct 2023
66 points (66.3% liked)

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