This. But without joking. Absolutely this. The more I find out about my depression and my anxiety, the more I understand that it's not an illness, it's being mindful of the current reality that makes me suffer.
Typical antidepressants are meant to manipulate serotonine levels. However, there is to this day not one study that clearly shows that there is a connection between serotonine levels and depression. Those pills, however, really make you complacent. Many people report "feeling less" and being "emotionally numb" after taking them.
Right now, even primary care physicians are giving these pills out like candy. So many people take these pills. Ridiculous numbers from the UK: 17% are taking antidepressants, and 13% are on opioid pain prescriptions. That is absolutely mind boggling.
I only ever took plant based antidepressants, and the older I get, the more happy I am about that decision. Before anyone wants to say that those can't work: They were tested to be almost equally effective, but without the side effects. And I wasn't getting numb or anything, and I still have my libido. (Edit: Though, I should mention: Them being tested as equally effective doesn't mean they have a good effect. Just to be sure to not appear as saying that either of these two options - natural or synthetic - are tested to be very effective. Sadly not.)
I don't know how so many people are fine with this world. Day after day, I find myself to be more and more other-worldly about this reality. So often I try to tell myself that it can't really be that bad, and that it somehow will turn out to be okay some day. But I don't think so... anymore. I think we are on the bring of a big collapse.
Sorry for the rant, but... that's how I see things lately. I hope for the best, though.