The fantasy-story of right-wing anarchy is creating misinformation, someone thinks that something like "anarcho-capitalism" is real philosophy, instead of the linguistic distortion of fascist-capitalism that it is.
100% agree, right wing "anarchism" is authoritarianism with extra steps. It'll always end up with a few people holding the most power.
Should people even specify that they are left-wing anarchists now?
I call myself a libertarian socialist, while not technically the same it's clearer than just saying anarchist.
We shouldn't let the "an"caps claim anarchism, be proud of it
And I will tell you more: anarchism is by its nature also pacifism, as it aims to prevent any form of uncontrolled power on others. This is to silence even centrists: another fake group, people who thinks that it's not extremist in its own abstinence, in delegating violence.
Anarchism is an ideology that promotes peace, equality and i'm not sure if we can reach this type of world without some amount of violence. I myself am a pacifist to my ideology, but that is only ideally. Seeing people especially excited about the violence part is a little weird to me (i.e. thinking revolutions have to be bloody and civil war like, when it could be just as effective as syndicalism puts it)
You can't argue with tyrants. You can't tell the Sauds to peacefully resign, you need action and violence as disheartening as it may be. People will die, but it's better than millions suffering in silence for decades, even centuries.