Ours leaked, found a loose bit that let water in. Mine is running now, so no pics, but with the door open, there is a round filter looking thing in the bottom left. Make sure it is screwed tight. Not sure what it does, but if it's loose, water gets between the door and the insulation soaks it up to leak later
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I'm pretty sure it's just leaking past the gasket in my case, but I will definitely keep an eye on that.
That's unfortunate. Hope you get a fix soon
Happened to a lot of our appliances when we lived in an area with extremely soft water, which can be very corrosive. Some plastics seem to be more durable than others.
Our water is very hard. I think the coating on my racks is just bad.
I have a very similar model to this and also have issues with leaks. In my case it was more so related to the angle of the machine as over time I think enough toes kicked the base to tilt it forward and it was only anchored at the top underneath the countertop. After leveling it again we haven't had any water on the floor