submitted 7 months ago by Five to c/vietnam
submitted 7 months ago by Five to c/vietnam
submitted 7 months ago by wanderingmeomeo to c/vietnam

This is a Vietnamese translation of an article titled: "Why the communists call for ‘Intifada until victory!'".

The credit for the translation goes to VietNam Young Marxists.

Solidarity with Palestinian!


Đây là bản dịch Tiếng Việt của một bài báo với tựa đề: "Why the communists call for ‘Intifada until victory!'".

Bản dịch thuộc về VietNam Young Marxists.

Đoàn kết với nhân dân Palestine!

submitted 7 months ago by wanderingmeomeo to c/vietnam

This is a translated Korean article belonging to a 4-part seires written by Saebom Kim that goes in depth into Samsung's environmental and labor violations in Vietnam.

The article was translated by VietNam Young Marxists.

submitted 7 months ago by Five to c/vietnam
submitted 7 months ago by wanderingmeomeo to c/vietnam

A very interesting video from "What is politics" aims to explain why most communist revolutions happened in third-world countries, including Vietnam, and how the goal of such revolutions was actually rapid industrialization in the face of hardships imposed by imperialist powers, not communism as we commonly think.

Một video thú vị từ kênh Youtube "What is politics" với nội dung tập trung vào câu hỏi: Tại sao hầu hết các cuộc cánh mạng cộng sản trên thế giới diễn ra tập trung ở các quốc gia thuộc thế giới thứ ba, đồng thời lập luận để chứng minh luận điểm rằng mục đích chính của những cuộc cách mạng đó là đẩy nhanh sự nghiệp công nghiệp hóa trước những thách thức chính trị từ những thế lực đế quốc, chứ không phải là tiến tới chủ nghĩa cộng sản như ta thường nghĩ.

submitted 7 months ago by Five to c/vietnam
submitted 7 months ago by Five to c/vietnam
submitted 7 months ago by kid2908 to c/vietnam
submitted 7 months ago by wanderingmeomeo to c/vietnam

I wonder how long would it take for low income Vietnamese citizens in urban areas to have to live in micro apartments like people in Hong Kong. But as it turns out, we've already arrived that point.

(Down with the landlỏd)

submitted 7 months ago by wanderingmeomeo to c/vietnam

Good song and good band :")

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by wanderingmeomeo to c/vietnam

A Tale of the Valiant Fight of Local People in Huong Tra District, Hue City Against Sand Pirates.

Writing in English is not my strong suit, but I will try my best to summarize the article for people unfamiliar with Vietnamese. However, I strongly suggest you to read the article yourselves with the assistance of translation tool. The author has a very compelling jounalistic language which makes reading it is such a treat.

In the context of sand pirates becoming increasingly aggressive in their exploitation of sand in many rivers, which leads to the accelerated erosion of lands around them, people living around the Bồ River began to push back since it started to affect their livelihood and swathes of lands have collapsed. The seemingly innocuous sand extraction from Tuan Hai Company, whose activity is permitted by the local authority, had turned their lives upside down.

Initially, they appealed to the local authority to do something about the problem but there was no change, so they took matters into their own hands and began establishing a team to actively supervise any unusual activities on the river. Once they noticed a boat that sucked the sand outside the legally defined zone, they pursued the boat, forced it to go with them and handed the people inside to the local police force. However, there had been at least 10 sightings of illegal sand extraction activities since the establishment of the supervising team, all of them were handed to the local authority to take care of but nothing changed. They decided to take a more proactive approach when things got too far.

They began constructing bamboo spikes to prevent sand extraction boats from entering. People from other villages where impact of sand extraction could be felt also joined in the endeavor by providing money and manpower. It was a collective effort from the start to the finish, from purchasing blocks of rocks, cutting the bamboos, to securing the bamboo spikes on the river. Men, women, children, and the elderly all participated in the activity. The local authority tried to intervene multiple times by saying that the people were violating the water traffic law and demanding them to have a meeting to lessen the heat, but the villagers refused to budge.

"If we are wrong then you are more than welcome to arrest us. People are ready to be jailed," they said when confronted by the local authority.

The fight did not stop on the river, they also kept track of illegal activities on the bank. One night they noticed trucks full of sands and handed them to the local authority, but this time they insisted on supervising the process of handling the case themselves.

After 14 days, in response to the heated fight on the Bồ River, the Ministry of Resources Environment opened an investigation (with the supervision of the villagers) and discovered evidence of Tuan Hai Company having been involved in illegal sand extraction. The amount of sand extracted by the company was found to be several times larger than the amount permitted in the licensing record. The company was fined 1.6 billion VND by the People's Committee and had to take measures to recover the land to its initial state.

The fight against sand pirates did not stop there. Villagers living in the downstream of the Bồ River also had to participate in a similar fight by deploying the same tactics, but on a much larger scale. In May of 2020, they constructed an entire bamboo bridge to prevent sand extracting boats from entering.

submitted 7 months ago by wanderingmeomeo to c/vietnam
submitted 7 months ago by kid2908 to c/vietnam

NFT game by a Vietnamese studio

submitted 7 months ago by Five to c/vietnam

Crossposted from Coffee@lemmy.world

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Five to c/vietnam


Ho Chi Minh City Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hang did not appeal her 3-year prison sentence for organizing with her accomplices 57 livestreams that offended many people.

On October 9, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court said it had not received an appeal from Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hang (52 years old, General Director of Dai Nam Joint Stock Company) against the verdict on the charge of abusing democratic freedoms to invade violate the interests of the State, the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals even if the term has expired.

According to Ms. Hang's son, her family encouraged her to appeal, but she accepted the sentence and asked for early execution.

Previously, Ms. Hang's four accomplices were Dang Anh Quan (43 years old, former lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University of Law) and Nguyen Thi Mai Nhi, Huynh Cong Tan, Le Thi Thu Ha (employees of Dai Nam Joint Stock Company). Dang Anh Quan has appealed to reduce the penalty. Mr. Quan believes that the sentence of 2 years and 6 months in prison imposed on him by the court is too harsh (at the first instance, the defendant said he did not commit a crime); The other defendants asked for a suspended sentence (the first instance sentence was 1 year and 6 months in prison).

The first instance judgment determined that, from March 2021 to March 2022, Ms. Phuong Hang and the four defendants took advantage of democratic freedoms and conducted 57 livestreams at her private home on Nguyen Thong Street (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City) and Dai Nam Tourist Area (Binh Duong) with content that seriously insults the honor and reputation of 10 people: singers Vy Oanh, Dam Vinh Hung, artist Hoai Linh, singer Thuy Tien and her husband, Journalist Han Ni, and journalist Duc Hien.

Ms. Hang invited defendant Dang Anh Quan to participate in 11 livestream sessions as a legal advisor to increase the credibility of her statements.

According to the court, the defendants' actions violate the Cyber Security Law and Decree 72/2013/ND-CP; causing negative impacts on social order and safety. In particular, defendant Hang played the role of mastermind and initiator; Nhi, Tan, and Ha were accomplices who helped.

The defendants must jointly compensate journalist Han Ni and Ms. Dinh Thi Lan 18 million VND. Because singers Dam Vinh Hung, Vy Oanh, Thuy Tien and her husband changed their request, Ms. Hang was not forced to pay compensation, the court did not consider it.

Regarding the fact that many people have related rights and obligations and lawyers believe that the defendants also committed other crimes, the court said that the defendants' actions satisfied the signs of many crimes such as: Abusing rights Democratic freedom violates the interests of the State, the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals; Slander; Humiliate others. In particular, the crime of abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State, the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals has the heaviest penalty, so according to the principle of attracting crimes, the defendants are prosecuted for this crime.

submitted 8 months ago by xarvos to c/vietnam
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Five to c/vietnam
submitted 8 months ago by kid2908 to c/vietnam
submitted 8 months ago by Five to c/vietnam
submitted 8 months ago by Five to c/vietnam

Dịch máy


Chiến dịch Xóa bỏ Tra tấn ở Việt Nam hoạt động nhằm chấm dứt mọi hình thức tra tấn ở Việt Nam. Chúng tôi theo dõi và báo cáo các trường hợp tra tấn ở Việt Nam, đồng thời chúng tôi ủng hộ và bảo vệ những cá nhân và tổ chức xã hội dân sự dũng cảm có hành động tương tự ở Việt Nam.

submitted 8 months ago by Five to c/vietnam
submitted 8 months ago by Five to c/vietnam


According to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), a non-governmental organisation), the police obtained a confession from Le Van Manh under torture, which was subsequently used to convict him.

He later recanted, stating that he was coerced into the confession after the police had beaten him severely.

Theo Ủy ban Luật gia Quốc tế (ICJ), một tổ chức phi chính phủ, công an đã lấy được lời thú tội của Lê Văn Mạnh bằng cách tra tấn, sau đó dùng để kết án anh ta.

Sau đó anh ta rút lại, nói rằng anh ta bị ép phải nhận tội sau khi cảnh sát đánh đập anh ta rất nặng nề.

dịch máyLê Văn Mạnh bị kết án tử hình về tội trộm cắp, hiếp dâm và sát hại một bé gái 13 tuổi - nhưng vẫn giữ nguyên lời khai nhưng bị cảnh sát ép buộc tra tấn.

Việt Nam đã xử tử Lê Văn Mạnh, một người đàn ông bị kết án tử hình lâu năm, bất chấp nhiều lời kêu gọi quốc tế tha cho anh ta, một luật sư của gia đình cho biết hôm thứ Bảy.

Năm 2005, Lê Văn Mạnh bị buộc tội trộm cắp cùng với vụ cưỡng hiếp và sát hại bé gái 13 tuổi ở tỉnh Thanh Hóa.

Theo Ủy ban Luật gia Quốc tế (ICJ), một tổ chức phi chính phủ, công an đã lấy được lời thú tội của Lê Văn Mạnh bằng cách tra tấn, sau đó dùng để kết án anh ta.

Sau đó anh ta rút lại, nói rằng anh ta bị ép phải nhận tội sau khi cảnh sát đánh đập anh ta rất nặng nề.

Tòa án Tối cao Hà Nội đã tuyên án tử hình ông trong phiên tòa phúc thẩm năm 2008.

Nguyễn Hà Luân, luật sư đã hỗ trợ gia đình Mạnh yêu cầu chủ tịch nước ngăn chặn việc xử tử, đã đăng giấy chứng tử của ông lên mạng xã hội hôm thứ Bảy.

“Theo báo cáo và công văn, bị cáo Lê Văn Mạnh đã bị xử tử... giấy thông báo hành quyết đã được gửi đến gia đình”, ông viết trên Facebook.

Giấy chứng tử không nêu nhiều chi tiết về việc hành quyết mà chỉ ghi đơn giản là “Lê Văn Mạnh sinh năm 1982. Quốc tịch: Việt Nam. Chết lúc 8h45 ngày 22/9/2023 tại Nhà Thi hành án Công an tỉnh Hòa Bình”.

Đầu tuần này, các phái đoàn ngoại giao nhắm vào Việt Nam từ Liên minh Châu Âu, Canada, Na Uy và Vương quốc Anh đã kêu gọi chính quyền thể hiện sự khoan hồng đối với người bị kết án.

“Chúng tôi phản đối mạnh mẽ việc áp dụng hình phạt tử hình vào mọi thời điểm và trong mọi hoàn cảnh, vì đây là hình phạt tàn ác, vô nhân đạo và hèn hạ không bao giờ có thể biện minh được, đồng thời chúng tôi kêu gọi Việt Nam tạm dừng tất cả các vụ hành quyết”, thông cáo chung của họ viết. tuyên bố.

Một lời kêu gọi khác bị bỏ ngoài tai là lời kêu gọi của Tổ chức Ân xá Quốc tế cho rằng vụ hành quyết là "phản cảm". Họ cho rằng mặc dù chính quyền Việt Nam “biết rằng vụ án Lê Văn Mạnh có dấu hiệu vi phạm nghiêm trọng và vi phạm quyền được xét xử công bằng”.

Việt Nam không công bố chi tiết về số người bị xử tử hàng năm nhưng được cho là một trong những nước có tỷ lệ lớn nhất trên toàn thế giới.

submitted 8 months ago by Five to c/vietnam

Ho Chi Mihn City - The situation of posting advertisements and classified ads on electricity poles broke out. District 5 mobilized many forces to remove them but it was ineffective, so they chose the option of wrapping plastic grass.

The information was said by Mr. Le Tan Tai, Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee of District 5 (implementing unit), at the socio-economic press conference in Ho Chi Minh City, on the afternoon of September 21.

According to Mr. Tai, in the past, the unit had to mobilize people to scrape off advertisements and classified ads on electricity poles every week but it was ineffective. Sometimes the staff shaves it off in the morning, then in the afternoon it's glued back on. Even the person using glue sticks tightly to the electric pole, causing erasing to take a lot of effort and time.

Due to the role of the Fatherland Front in District 5, it cannot impose fines and sanctions, the unit used the method of wrapping plastic grass with a rough surface to prevent advertising stickers instead of mobilizing people to scrape it off. In the first phase of implementation in 2019, the plastic grass was somewhat sketchy and the material was easily damaged, then it was changed to a better type.

In addition, some people intentionally stick it on top of the grass, wrap tape around it or remove the grass to create gaps, making the image look a bit messy. "With the spirit of inquiry, we receive suggestions and changes before there are radical solutions from the government to suppress advertising and classified ads," Mr. Tai said.

To date, the wards of District 5 have covered more than 490 electric poles with grass carpet and nearly 1,300 lighting poles. The total cost of installing plastic grass is nearly 300 million VND from socialized sources. It is expected that by 2024, all electric poles and lights in the district will be covered with plastic grass. However, this creates many mixed opinions about safety because plastic grass can easily catch fire when an electrical short circuit occurs.

Mr. Tai said that before doing the work, the unit reported to the Cho Lon lighting and electricity company to conduct a safety survey. Currently, the locality has not recorded any incidents of fire or electrical leakage related to wrapping plastic grass on electric poles. In the near future, the district will review and come up with general standards such as what type of grass to use and how to wrap it to ensure aesthetics and safety.

According to Mr. Bui Van Kien, Deputy General Director of the National Power Transmission Corporation, plastic grass wrapped around concrete pillars does not affect the structure or electrical safety. The lamp post is designed to grow larger from top to bottom to help rainwater flow quickly and the post dries quickly, but when covered with plastic grass, the water flows more slowly.

Mr. Kien said that in the past, the unit had tested non-stick paint on electrical cabinets, but the cost was very high and it was ineffective. "Prevention of posting classified ads depends on administrative or criminal handling, but other ways to prevent posting classified ads on electricity and lighting poles are not feasible," Mr. Kien said.

From a professional perspective, Associate Professor-Dr. Nguyen Hung, an electrical engineering expert, said that the light pole is 12-15 m high, has electric wires running inside, ensuring insulation from the pole body, so the plastic grass layer stagnates water. does not cause electricity. In addition, the lighting pole is designed to automatically shut off when there is an electric leak.

However, the locality needs to anticipate objective situations such as people dumping trash around the base, throwing burning cigarette butts that spread to the grass, affecting the structure of the pillar. In addition, with concrete electric poles connecting many low voltage lines, telecommunications cables can easily short circuit, causing sparks to fall and cause fires in plastic grass.

From there, Mr. Hung proposed that the management unit instead of using plastic grass could use sandpaper - a material with a rough surface and the same color as the electric pole, ensuring aesthetics, anti-advertising and safety.

Ads and classified ads have appeared in Ho Chi Minh City for many years, the government has introduced many measures, but cannot remove them all. In May, the City Police called on people to stop this situation. Many districts have sent forces to erase advertisements and classified ads on electric poles and building walls. Ho Chi Minh City police arrested many people who posted ads for black credit and forced them to be erased at the place of violation.

submitted 8 months ago by Five to c/vietnam


Rescuers struggled to access the building, in a highly residential area of southwest Hanoi, located down a narrow alley.

"We could not help them much," a woman, who gave only one name Hoa and lives near the block, told AFP at the site.

"The apartment is so closed with no escape route, impossible for the victims to get out."

It comes a year after a blaze in a three-storey karaoke bar in commercial centre Ho Chi Minh City killed 32 people.

Lực lượng cứu hộ nỗ lực tiếp cận tòa nhà nằm trong một khu dân cư đông đúc ở phía Tây Nam Hà Nội, nằm trong một con hẻm hẹp.

“Chúng tôi không thể giúp gì nhiều cho họ”, một người phụ nữ tên Hoa và sống gần khu nhà nói với AFP tại hiện trường.

“Căn hộ đóng kín không có lối thoát, nạn nhân không thể thoát ra được”.

Vụ việc xảy ra một năm sau vụ cháy quán karaoke ba tầng ở trung tâm thương mại TP.HCM khiến 32 người thiệt mạng.

VNExpress coverage

Update: VNExpress

At around 1:15 a.m. on September 17, fire broke out in an apartment of about 60 square meters in apartment building D17.

From the night of September 12 until now, Hanoi has had 4 high-rise building fires. In which, the fire on the night of September 12 and morning of September 13 in a mini apartment building in alley 29/70, Khuong Ha street, Khuong Dinh ward, Thanh Xuan district, killed 56 people and injured 37 people.

Khoảng 1h15 ngày 17/9, lửa bùng lên tại căn hộ rộng khoảng 60 m2 trong chung cư D17.

Từ đêm 12/9 đến nay, Hà Nội xảy ra 4 vụ cháy nhà cao tầng. Trong đó vụ cháy đêm 12 rạng sáng 13/9 ở chung cư mini trong ngõ 29/70 phố Khương Hạ, phường Khương Đình, quận Thanh Xuân làm 56 người chết, 37 người bị thương.

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