submitted 8 months ago by stabby_cicada to c/vegan
submitted 3 months ago by stabby_cicada to c/vegan
i loved you mommy (slrpnk.net)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by stabby_cicada to c/vegan
submitted 2 months ago by Dippy@beehaw.org to c/vegan

I'm not a vegan, but in excited by the idea of lab grown meat replacing traditional evil farming practices

submitted 1 week ago by jol@discuss.tchncs.de to c/vegan
submitted 3 months ago by BuddyTheBeefalo@lemmy.ml to c/vegan
submitted 2 months ago by Five to c/vegan
submitted 11 months ago by bonkerfield to c/vegan

But then I remember I didn't take their children away, hook them up to a machine to extract food from them, or kill them. And that makes me feel like making fun of carnists is not so bad.

submitted 7 months ago by stabby_cicada to c/vegan
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by stabby_cicada to c/vegan

Crazy how people will refuse to drink from plastic water bottles from fear of BPAs and microplastics but will happily eat the dead flesh of an animal that gorged on plastics for years. Our risk analysis is as broken as our morality.

submitted 1 month ago by stabby_cicada to c/vegan

And it gives them bird flu.


submitted 1 month ago by iiGxC to c/vegan

Is there anything you can bring kayaking, swimming, or really anywhere people are fishing that will scare the fish away from the fishers? Ideally something not very obvious, and for kayaking something you can easily turn on near fishers and off when you're not near them?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by activistPnk to c/vegan

The off-grid survivalist dude in invidious video ID “YOXkcz8j3Gc” says milk & potatoes are “nutritionally complete”, which if I understand correctly means that pairing covers the 9 essential amino acids. That’s cool.. but not vegan.

A pescetarian in my family was hospitalized for malnutrition. Not sure what he did wrong or what he was short on, but he doesn’t strike me as someone who would be overly negligent. IMO, as a non-vegan outsider looking in, a vegan diet is easy to screw up & requires some research to stay safe. You can’t just live on rabbit food. So I wonder if the title-linked article has the answers. In short, it claims these pairings are nutritionally complete:

  1. rice & beans
  2. tofu & veg (questionable¹?)
  3. chickpeas & wheat
  4. peanut butter & whole wheat toast²
  5. pinto beans³ & corn
  6. whole wheat pasta & peas
  7. lentils & rice ←I’m bummed it’s not lentils & couscous, which I often use in lentil salad
  8. oatmeal & pumpkin seeds

Note that all links referenced in this post are Cloudflare-free and openly accessible to all. Also no big cookie popups or similar garbage.

footnotes (with questions!):

  1. I find tofu & vegetables suspicious. There are countless vegetables, so this is quite vague. How can we expect any given veg to have whatever tofu is missing? This makes me somewhat skeptical of the whole article.

  2. Why toast? Why not bread?

  3. Or skip the pinto beans and just make sure your corn is infected with a purple fungus containing lysine, assuming #lysine is the reason pinto beans are paired with corn.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by activistPnk to c/vegan

If you’re a vegan in the US but you pay tax, part of your tax contribution goes toward livestock farming subsidies. So in effect you are forced to support unethical treatment of animals.

So I have to wonder-- have vegans attempted to fight for the right to be fully vegan and thus requested to opt-out of those subsidies? In principle, it seems a vegan should be able to tick on a box on their tax forms saying “I was vegan this whole tax year” and the result should be a tax credit that reimburses their share of the livestock subsidies the gov pays every year using public money.

submitted 10 months ago by thisfro to c/vegan

I for my self love Chana Masala, could eat it every day!


  • Onions
  • Chickpeas
  • (Canned) Tomatoes
  • Vegan Yoghurt
  • Garam Masala

Served with basmati rice

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by stabby_cicada to c/vegan

Adjectives imply something unusual, something different from the standard object the noun refers to. If we say "cheese" for the animal product and "vegan cheese" for the plant product, we implicitly send the message the animal product is normal and the plant product is abnormal.

Strike that. Reverse it.

Say "milk" for plant-based emulsions and "cow milk" for stolen baby cow food. SAy "burger" for veggie protein patties and "cow/pig/turkey burger" for dead rotting animal flesh.

The meat industry doesn't get to control your language.

Words are activism.

Vegan gym shirts? (self.vegan)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by iiGxC to c/vegan

Anybody know any good vegan themed gym shirts? I'm thinking something similar to dom mazzetis bro science shirts (yeah he's a shitty person but his shirts can be pretty creative), but obviously centered around lifting as a vegan. And sustainably and ethically sourced. Bonus if they have tall sizes

submitted 11 months ago by itchy_lizard@feddit.it to c/vegan

The words of Greta Thunberg this week


Activists are being systemically targeted with repression and are paying the price for defending life and the right to protest.

We are seeing now extremely worrying developments where activists all over the world are experiencing increased repressions just for fighting for our present and our future.

There is extreme hypocrisy when it comes to this. All over the world we're experiencing this. Not the least, for example, here in France. Just the other day - that activists are being systemically targeted with repression and are paying the price for defending life and the right to protest.

We're still speeding in the wrong direction

We are now at an extremely critical point. The emissions of greenhouse gasses are at an all-time-high, and the concentration of Co2 in the atmosphere hasn't been this high in the entire history of humanity.

And we're still speeding in the wrong direction. The emissions are on the rise, and science has been very clear on this. And the people living on the front-lines of the climate emergency have been sounding the alarm for a long time

hormones for trans people? (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 1 month ago by fogstormberry@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/vegan

hi all, long time vegetarian, just committed myself to veganism this week. however, I'm also trans fem, and having trouble finding info on estrogen and other meds (currently seeking a scrip for adhd). any resources or tips to share? I'm in canada if that's important. thanks in advance!

submitted 2 months ago by nichtsowichtig@feddit.de to c/vegan
submitted 3 months ago by stabby_cicada to c/vegan
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by stabby_cicada to c/vegan

And even worse: 99% of farmed animals in the US are factory farmed.

If you think your animal products were ethically raised - and by ethically I mean "not in a torture factory" which is an extremely low bar - there's a 99% chance you're wrong.

submitted 9 months ago by Lemlemlem to c/vegan
submitted 1 month ago by quercus to c/vegan
submitted 1 month ago by nichtsowichtig@feddit.de to c/vegan

Video essay by a fairly small youtube creator. She often addresses anti-vegan narratives.

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