submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ZenGrammy@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

Hello c/NSQ! As you may have noticed from the fancy “A” next to his name on his posts around Lemmy, our fearless leader AvaddonLFC is now an Administrator, which means he can no longer be part of our moderation team. I have agreed to take over his communities because I believe in what we’ve all been building together as a group. There will be no changes to the current rules or moderators, though you may see some new faces that were already chosen to join the team.

If you have any feedback on our rules or just want to tell us how much you’ll miss AvaddonLFC, this is the place to do it. (Don’t worry, I can take it!)

I am grateful to AvaddonnLFC for building this community and inviting me to join him as a moderator, and to my fellow mods (and hopefully the community) for sticking with me through this change!

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submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by _MoveSwiftly@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

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If a high school kid makes an AI fake nude of a female classmate, can they be arrested for child porn and have a permanent record?

I just read 2 stories in a row in one of my news feeds about pockets of this happening throughout the USA and one is middle school aged.

Is there a line to be drawn or should all fake nudes of anyone under 18 face legal penalties no matter the age of the person doing it?

I have a daughter that is 27 now and if this happened to her I would be doing everything I could to hold the person making the fakes accountable.


I am a plebe who doesn't understand these things but what exactly does cloudflare do? I see it popping up more and more often redirecting before visiting a site. I assume that this has something to do with bot traffic? It seems like every mention of cloudflare is about how it ruined someone's day.

submitted 5 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) by dependencyinjection@discuss.tchncs.de to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

So, I’ve really started to make some large changes to my life after many years of being a degenerate and all my money going on smoking weed and doing other drugs with friends etc.

It all started when I got diagnosed with ADHD, got medicated, since stopped as the cons were worse than the pros now I’m on a good track, re-trained as a software developer and have been in my first role a year and I’m late 30’s now.

Weed was the last thing to quit and it’s been almost a month and I’m finally able to do all the things I could never afford. Bought a nice watch and booked a session for a sleeve tattoo I’ve always wanted.

I still need something to focus on to keep me happy and I love being out in nature and just milling about, but I’m a city kid, north UK, so really don’t know anything about surviving outside; but I want to go out for weekends and see the stars and just explore and be self sufficient.

It all just seems so overwhelming and I have no clue where to start. I’ve been watching YouTube videos and still it seems so overwhelming. My plan is to start purchasing everything you would need with a view to start from April next year but I honestly don’t know where to begin. What do I buy, which tents should I be looking at, how do I learn about water supplies I can drink from, what about cooking; can I make bacon and eggs for instance, what sleeping bags, cookers, backpacks, shoes, etc.

The list goes on and on and I guess I’m just looking for good resources to consume over the next 10 months to make sure I can go out and be safe, considerate, and not a burden on anybody else.

Thanks for any tips you can provide.

Edit: I have a lot of comments here to reply to, but I’m pretty sleepy right now so will reply to you all tomorrow. Thanks.


If we consider post-mortem rights to matter morally, then something like necrophilia or defiling someone's body after their death would be immoral even if they don't experience it (obviously) and even if they don't have any family or loved ones around to witness it or know that it happened. As an extension of themself, their dead body has intrinsic moral value as far as an obligation to treat it respectfully in accordance with what the person would have wanted or been okay with, not merely instrumental value that it serves to loved ones or the environment. And since we consider a person to have more moral value than the environment (otherwise it could be ethical to kill people to remove their environmental impact), even if it was more harmful to the environment to dispose of a body in a certain way (e.g. standard burial or cremation) over other methods, it would then still be ethical to dispose of it in a way the person either opted for or was likely aware would be done, rather than a less commonly known/practised and more invasive yet eco friendly method such as sky burial (putting their body on a mountain top and letting vultures tear it apart).

In other words someone's bodily autonomy extends into death because they lived in their body their whole life, have a personal attachment to it as part of their identity, and just as they likely wouldn't want it violated while alive (even if they were asleep for example), also likely wouldn't want their body used for something disrespectful or really anything other than a standard form of interment (process of disposing of a body or putting it in a final resting place) that they would probably be aware would happen when they died, or is as generally uninvasive/dignified as possible, unless they specifically consented to something different or made a particular request for what would happen to their body.

IF all of the above is considered true, then (or just in general) wouldn't it be unethical/disrespectful or a rights violation to preserve a human's shrunken head for hundreds of years and then have it in an oddity collector's shop to sell it to people to display in their houses?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by AdventuringAardvark@lemmy.one to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I know Florida, Texas, and other counties have tried and succeeded to ban books, I wonder how that is even legal since we have the first amendment. I tried doing research on this since Huntington Beach is banning books and people were petitioning against that at the main library.

I made a little post asking people to petition on the Orange County sub.


I've never heard of these candidates, they have no party affiliation, and there's almost no information about them online that I can find.

Are those positions just for people who work closely with those departments to vote on?


Ever since I graduated, everywhere I've worked has been 8-5. My current company is going to soon start expecting us to be in 7-5.

How many of you here work a 9-5 with a paid lunch?

Productivity keeps going up but so do working hours.


I figured a close stereotype for men, would be that they should all be farmers. The thing is, there are under two million farmers in the US as of 2023. So statistically, an equivalent occupation/role should have a larger number.


If a judge is called 'corrupt' by a defendant outside court in front of the media, or if something more unambiguously libelous is said, can the judge sue the defendant?


cross-posted from: https://leminal.space/post/7148311

Does Multipoint functionality in headphones allow you to listen to two different devices at the same time?

I have been using an audio mixer at my desk for a while now so I can do things like listen to music while I play video games but I am wondering if Multipoint could replace my audio mixer and simplify my setup. Would it allow me to listen to two different devices at the same time?

I have been reading about Multitpoint on websites selling compatible headphones (Jabra and Google) and it doesn't sound like this is the case. It sounds like it's simply a faster means of switching back and forth between devices. What makes me second guess this though are posts I have seen in forums suggesting Multipoint is the solution I am looking for.

If not could some wireless DAC be the solution?


If so, then why?


I switched to Windows 11 about a year ago. A few months ago my PC started randomly crashing and rebooting, without any blue screens.

Am I the only one? Does someone know anything about this?

Pretty sure I can rule out power surges or overheating or stuff like that. There's been no indication. The system log is empty as well, apart from Windows being annoyed that it just got restarted without any notice.




So, say I get a set of chromosomes from my Mum which contains the X chromosome and the same from my Dad, but with the Y chromosome. I now have two sets of the same 22 chromosomes, plus an X and a Y.

For chromosome number one for example, is everything from my Dad's side activated? My Mum's? Or is is a random selection of genes within each chromosome?

And does the X chromosome do anything for me, or is it turned off, and only used if I pass it on to the next generation?

Follow up question: I believe that women actually recombine their X chromosomes when passing these on, but men can't recombine X and Y. So everything on your Dad's side stays the same. Does this have any impact? For example are you more likely to inherit genetic defects from your Dad's side?

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by mypasswordis1234@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world



cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/14816537

I’m 43 years old but apparently I have a baby face, good hair for my age and everyone believes I’m in my mid 20s, even though I already have some gray hairs nobody seems to notice (so far).

I started the lie: first time I started my last job at a hospital immediately after my bachelor and told my new coworkers my real age (38 at the time) they started judging me: why are you not married, why don’t you have children, what have you done in the last 20 years.

The way these women asked was accusatory, like I’m a failure for being almost 40 and not having children or being single. At that moment I decided next time somebody at the workplace asks me for my age, to blatantly and shamelessly lie: I’m 25, leave me alone.

Since that bad experience I’ve worked at 2 other hospitals and my lie has always helped: patients and coworkers believe I’m 25 because as said I look like it, don’t pester me about children or marriage and while my current coworkers are gossips and need drama to live, they don’t push my buttons because I don’t give them any ammunition. It’s tolerable.

Note that I didn’t lie in my application and accounting and management at my workplace know very well my real age, but my coworkers and direct manager are oblivious to it: On my first day I just told them I’m 25 and they didn’t question it.

Now, I have the body of a 43 year old, meaning I don’t lift heavy patients like a 25 year old and sometimes I come home with back pain. I don’t know if I’d get better assignments if I’m sincere about my age (I’d like that, but is it realistic?). I just don’t want to get to 65 with a broken back. I don’t want drama either, just to work and go home.

I lie to protect myself.

If I need to change this, why and how?

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by NemoWuMing@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I have a desktop computer with displayport. I heard it was possible to connect 2 or even 3 monitors to it.

I heard not all displayport monitors can be chained like that. Which specifications do I need to look for?



any help is appreciated.


So I went to a hospital the other day and was told I have a de-deductible of $3,000. I am not sure how much my insurance paid (if anything). At some point I have to talk to the hospital about payment and I want to talk them down to accept a lower amount. I do have some savings to offer, but I would like to get them to agree to take that amount and write off the rest rather than just admit I have that safety net and still have payments.

If it helps the discussion my insurance is supposed to be "managed". Which means that I call them and they then tell me where I can go and not have to pay anything out of pocket. It just happened that I had been having some pretty bad stomach issues I was hoping would go away. I then realized I had spend just under 2 days like this, but it was memorial day so their number was closed and any small clinic, so I went to the ER worried my appendix was bursting or something serious was happening to me.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by Amanduh@lemm.ee to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

Someone posted a cool game kinda like wordle and I want to make a community for posting scores/chatting about the topics. How do?

Edit: including game link https://jumblie.com/

Edit edit: I'm using jerboa


That is, is there an archive or a mirror somewhere? I don't want to give him the traffic.

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