submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Five to c/meta


Every month we retire the pinned community meta post from the last month, and create a fresh one with updated news. We summarize the state of the instance, and create a space for public comments and discussions that don't merit their own meta post.

International Worker's Day is May 1st!

In 1886, a May 1st general strike called by the American Federation of Labor saw a significant response in New York, Detroit, and Milwaukee. But in Chicago, due to the International Working People's Association founded by the anarchist Albert Parsons, the number of people who went on strike was larger than twice all of those other cities combined. On May 3rd, Chicago police fired indiscriminately into a crowd of striking workers, killing several. On May 4th, the anarchists held a peaceful street meeting where several luminaries spoke. But near the end of the meeting in the Chicago Haymarket, police arrived in formation to forcibly disperse the peaceful crowd and order they desist their first amendment-protected activity in the name of the law.

Whoever it was who threw the bomb into the crowd of officers, all sides agree they were not one of the anarchist leaders who were later arrested, put on trial, and executed. The blast killed one, but 7 more officers and 4 working people would die of wounds from police bullets fired in the smoke and confusion. In the legal farce that followed, the capitalists of Chicago demonstrated through their ghoulish reaction how much they feared working people when they band together. The Haymarket heroes became not just a regional cause célèbre, but coverage of their show trial and martyrdom spread the message of the strike internationally, perhaps the most significant and successful general strike in history. It ended the common practice of 12-hour workdays, and lead the 8-hour workday, your average 9 to 5, to become the international standard.

On this day, we celebrate their sacrifice, and remember the power of working people everywhere. Celebrated in almost every country on this day, it is a symbol of cooperation between people unrestricted by national borders. In the spirit of solidarity, the admins at SLRPNK wish everyone a happy International Worker's Day!

Activity and Data

It continues to be a pleasure supporting you as an admin. When looking at data, it's easy to draw unqualified conclusions, and worse, use them as benchmarks and goals. The most important thing is the unquantifiable vibe of the instance, and whatever the numbers say, I'm pretty satisfied with that metric.

That being said, I know people are curious about the numbers, and the numbers are indeed curious. It's now official: the increase in new and active members was not a quirk of the change of reporting code at the beginning of the year. It appears there's been a reversal, and every month since January has seen the number of active members increase over the previous month. The growth is small but steady, and is even more curious due to the trend of declining or stagnant reported growth over the same period in larger instances with better funding and fame.

In addition to the growth of active members, our total number of posts continues to grow in a fashion suggesting an exponential curve. Fun.

We don't do any kind of deep analytics where we could pin down more accurately what's driving growth and why, so it's irresponsible to make too big a deal out of this data -- but it's definitely not bad. Whatever is happening, there's a good chance some of it is due to trends outside of our control, similar to Reddit's API exodus that brought most of us here almost a year ago. My advice is ignore the numbers and keep doing what you're doing. Whatever it is, it's making SLRPNK qualitatively a great place to hang out.

Software Status

@poVoq has done a wonderful job keeping Lemmy and Movim software up to date while screening new versions for major bugs. He has added a collaborative editing application Etherpad to the suite of community tools, available at https://pads.slrpnk.net/. Hedgedocs at https://docs.slrpnk.net/ will be retired due to lack of activity from the software maintainers. I'd like to personally thank @poVoq for hosting SLRPNK and keeping the software working and up-to-date.

The wiki on https://wiki.slrpnk.net remains a bit rough around the edges, as we have not yet gotten around to fixing the remaining issues with the login and easy page editing, but a few people started updating their community wikis anyways. Please let us know if you run into specific other issues. It will likely take some to get them fixed, but at least we can document the various issues for now.

Community Highlight

Check out these two communities created last month: !zines@slrpnk.net created by long-time member @toaster - a place to find great short-form self-publishing, and !forced_obsolescence@slrpnk.net by @activistPnk, a great idea that complements our vibrant !buyitforlife@slrpnk.net community by @ProdigalFrog.

I'd also like to draw attention to !fullyautomatedrpg@slrpnk.net, a forum the authors @andrewrgross and @JacobCoffinWrites are using to imagine a fantasy future to build collaborative stories in. They've put a lot of work into their world-building and are eagerly seeking public participation in the project. Congratulations to FA on being boosted by famous sci-fi writer Cory Doctorow!

Finally, !selfhosting@slrpnk.net I think deserves more attention. I have a great deal of admiration for @poVoq, and part of that is the alternative vision he has from most of the rest of the Fediverse and Lemmy instances. While some instances compete for position as the largest general purpose forum, others are happy to be small niche subject instances. SLRPNK falls into the latter category, but with a twist - with us, the medium is also the message. We will hit capacity one day, but we want the Fediverse to continue to grow in spite of us. We're very transparent about our administration decisions in XMPP moderator chat, and that's partly because of our social compact with you, but also to teach by example. Projects like !selfhosting@slrpnk.net, the Fedi-admin guild, and the wiki are part of the technology side of this goal -- to allow anyone who is interested to replicate what we're doing here, and improve on it.

The Solarpunk project is bigger than us, and we think Lemmy's ability to scale through federation is key to allowing us to grow without putting too much power and responsibility into the hands of a few people. Cloud services take away your agency and lock you in to their platforms while violating your privacy. Self-hosting is a way around that technology trap, and the skills you learn can also be applied to eventually host part of the Fediverse as well. If you're curious about what's possible, subscribing to !selfhosting@slrpnk.net is a great place to start.

Call for Moderators

Moderating a community here is a great way to build skills useful for online community management. We love to see new communities people are passionate about - but that's not the only way to get involved. Several communities are undermoderated despite continuing to attract activity. We didn't get around to closing any communities this month, but will likely start that again soon. Joining the moderation team will help keep the communities you love alive. The first step is joining XMPP chat and asking around. The moderators channel is extremely active, and a great way to coordinate and get support from us and other moderators. You'll also get a peek at what's likely to show up in the next monthly meta.

We are still planning to build a new a space for women on SLRPNK since we closed !twoxchromosomes two months ago. @punkisundead has started a discussion on Loomio to gather resources, and @schmorp has also joined the Fedi-admin guild to contribute. We are actively seeking more voices, as this is an important project, and the more people who cooperate on it, the greater chance it will have of success.

Open discussion

It’s now your turn to tell us what’s new! Any topic related to this community, our infrastructure, or the Fediverse at large is fair game. If you’ve created a new community, this is a great thread to tell us about it. All comments will get extra visibility up until the beginning of next month. Got questions? Ask’em!

Trail of Voyager UI on SLRPNK (voyager.slrpnk.net)
submitted 15 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) by poVoq to c/meta

We are testing the Voyager alternative Lemmy UI on https://voyager.slrpnk.net/

There is not a huge difference compared to using the official .apk but some users on alternative platforms like Ubuntu Touch might appreciate having this option directly in the browser. It should be also possible to install it as a PWA this way.

Of course it also works in a desktop browser, but Voyager is really more optimized for mobile touch screens.

Please let us know if there are any issues with it.

submitted 1 month ago by poVoq to c/meta

As some of you might remember, we experimented with hosting the alpha version of Hedgedocs2 over here: https://docs.slrpnk.net/

It never worked out very well and was originally intended as an alternative for our Wiki, which wasn't working well back then either.

Now with the Wiki issues mostly resolved and Hedgedocs2 not developing as expected, we decided to sunset it by the end of this month. I don't think anyone was really using it, but if you were, please ensure all the documents are saved somewhere else.

However since working together on texts in real-time can be a useful tool for drafting documents, we decided to add an Etherpad installation instead: https://pads.slrpnk.net

It's still being tested and we will likely add an automatic expiration to pads, but overall it seems to be working fine. You can even export the text as Markdown for easy cut&paste into Lemmy posts.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by HardlightCereal@lemmy.world to c/meta

A month ago, I made a post asking that c/twoXchromosomes be removed from the instance due to known concerns with the name in regards to trans people, and the mods' stated intention not to compromise on the name. Since then, the community's mods have gone inactive. u/Justincase_2008@lemmy.world has only two posts on the website, and the most recent one is 2 months ago. u/GreatWhiteBuffalo41 has not commented on the site in 22 days, and has not been active on c/twoXchromosomes for 2 months. There have been 4 posts to the community in the time since my post about the community name a month ago. The modlog shows no mod activity in 2 months.

I would like to appeal to the admins that I may take over the community, set it to restricted mode, and make the only post on the community a sticky explaining the problems with the name and redirecting to other feminist communities across the Fediverse.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Five to c/meta

Monero is an also-ran cryptocurrency, in the same proof-of-work family as Bitcoin and Etherium.

Monero.town is a Lemmy instance whose main communities are: Monero, privacy, Monero Memes, Meta, and Monero Mining.

Enough has been written on the negative ecological effects of proof-of-work based cryptocurrency that I think it's not controversial to say it is incompatible with the Solarpunk vision.

Pictured inciting incident is a person advertising the crypto-capitalist Lemmy competitor "Nostr" in the anarchism community.

I don't personally mind a debate about Nostr, but like most of the content from Monero.town, it doesn't belong here. More sales pitches from a crypto-currency hype instance are going to be tedious, and crowd out the kind of progressive politics and human interactions we're looking to nurture here. Reddit's /r/anarchism had to constantly repel assholes trying to pass off their edgy capitalism as anarchist, Lemmy gives us the unique opportunity to send a strong message and nip this in the bud.

Fediverse sites that have already blocked Monero.town --

reject (10): solarpunk.moe, polyglot.city, freethought.online, icosahedron.website, sunbeam.city, vtuber.house, fruef.social, cutie.city, fuckcars.social, karas.social

followers_only (3): toot.cat, orbsafe.masto.host, partyparrot.social

Image Description[Image description: Screenshot of an exchange between user Jack@Monero.Town and Five containing the following text


Yea, that’s just not how Nostr works. Take a look here: https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips These are implementation possibilities that the protocol enables. Every client must implement NIP-01. All of the other NIPs are optional so every client that you use (an app for example) has decided to implement different NIPs. You decide which client you use and how Nostr should feel like. Almost no client prioritizes content that received bitcoin.

Your “login mechanism” (private cryptographic key) has nothing to do with cryptocurrency. If you want to send btc to people you have to set that up yourself, manually linking a wallet to your key.


I’m confused why you’re downplaying Nostr’s primary selling point - its close integration with Bitcoin. It’s clearly a cryptocurrency capitalist con job.

Almost no client prioritizes content that received bitcoin.

That’s not what I was saying, but I’m fascinated that you’re implying it’s much worse than I anticipated. Which clients have their priority linked to received bitcoin? ]

submitted 10 months ago by HardlightCereal@lemmy.world to c/meta

/c/twochromosomes explains its name with the following:

The name XX was chosen just because it illustrates the essence of this subreddit and its target Redditors–girly and geeky, and subtly awesome.

Connecting girliness with a genotype and bragging about being cisgender is not my idea of what the solarpunk movement stands for. This is gender essentialism and subtle transphobia. And the beginning of the community and of SLRPNK is the perfect time to be getting rid of transphobic names.

Admins, if you are reading this, please remove this transphobic community.

Everyone else, do you know how I can get in touch with the SLRPNK admins?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by perestroika to c/meta

Background: yesterday, there was heated discussion in the thread "military-industrial complex is a supervillain of causing the climate crisis" (link).

Among others, the thread creator posted a comment to the Guardian article "The climate costs of war and militaries can no longer be ignored", commenting it thusly:

If you want more context or won’t take my word on how militarism will kill is all, you can read this article.

I replied, a copy of my reply is below for your judgement. My reply got moderated by someone with the reason "Comment does not address intent of original post and promotes weapons industry / war in Ukraine."

I think my comment both addressed the topic, did not promote the weapons industry but helping Ukraine defend itself (ironically, tools for military self-defense come from the weapons industry) and did not promote the war (in fact, I noted that war is expensive, resource-intensive and stupid), but did explain the dynamics of war and revolutions.

I consider this moderator misconduct, likely motivated by their political views - and have asked a server administrator to talk with the moderator involved, to ascertain if they can refrain from using moderator powers as a political club to hit people, or to secure their demotion from a moderating role.

The removed post, for your judgement:

The article is fine, and I second the recommendation to read it, but from the article to the slogan you present, things do not follow a logical path.

Yes, war is both an incredibly expensive activity (diverting money that could be used) and a resource-intensive activity (the money goes into actual materials that almost surely destroy something or get destroyed) and an incredibly stupid activity (and it can snowball)...

...but the problem is that successful unilateral disarmament during a war tends to result in a situation called "defeat". If the defeat is not an attack being defeated, but defense being defeated, that is called a "conquest". Now, letting a conquest succeed has a historical tendency of the conqueror having more experience at conquest, and more resources to conquer with... which has, several times in history, lead to another conquest or a whole series of conquests. A regional war in Ukraine resulting in Ukraine being taken over by Russia has a high probability of producing:

  1. a bigger regional war later, in which Russia, using its own resources and those of Ukraine, proceeds to another country, gets into a direct conflict with NATO and then indeed there is a risk of a global war
  1. an encouraging effect after which China, noting that international cooperation against the agressor was ultimately insufficient, and deeming itself better prepared than Russia, decides that it can take Taiwan with military force

However, a war ending with inability to show victory tends to produce a revolution in the invading country. For example, World War I produced a revolution in Russia and subsequently a revolution in Germany, with several smaller revolutions in between, empires collapsing and a brief bloom of democracy in Europe, before the Great Depression and the rise of fascism ate all the fruits. The Falklands War produced a revolution in Argentina. The Russo-Japanese war produced the 1905 near-revolution in Russia.

It is better for Ukraine to not get conquered. It is better for Russia to be unable to conquer Ukraine. That result is also better for everyone around them. It's even better globally because it sets a precedent of large-scale cooperation defeating an agressive superpower, discouraging agressive superpowers from undertaking similar wars until memory starts fading again.

Unfortunately, until we see indications that Russian society is getting ready to stop the war (this could involve starting negotiations on terms palatable to Ukraine, a change of leadership, a withdrawal, a revolution, etc)... the path to achieving that outcome remains wearing out the agressor: producing enough weapons and delivering them to Ukraine.

Ultimately, both sides in a war wear each other down. The soldiers most eager to fight are killed soonest. The people most unwilling to get mobilized or recruited, and soldiers most unwilling to fight - they remain alive. If they are pressed forever, some day they will make the calculation: there are less troops blocking the way home than in the trenches of the opposing side. After that realization, they eventually tend to mutiny. Invading troops tend to do that a bit easier than defending troops, because they sense less purpose in their activity. In the long run, if nothing else happens, that will happen. There is just (probably, regrettably) no particularly quick shortcut to getting there.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by activistPnk to c/meta

Not everyone uses or has an unlimited internet connection. So when someone posts a link to a page that contains autoplay video, it fucks us over by surprise by sucking our internet credit dry. It is impossible to disable autoplay in either of the two browsers (Chrome & Firefox). Google has been trying for over 10 years to make a disable mechanism for autoplay and so far they cannot handle the job.

I got burnt by this thread, which is not slrplnk.net but it’s an example of a discriminatory nuisance that harms poor people (who likely have bandwidth quotas). It’s also eco-harmful to waste network energy.

Animated GIFs are a similar but complicated problem and should be treated the same. Blocking images does not block animated GIFs, and while it’s possible to automatically stop an animated GIF, it only stops the playing not the fetching.

When I suggest banning “uncautioned” autoplay, I mean to say there is no issue as long as the existence of autoplay is made loud and clear by the author, so thread visitors cannot get burnt by a surprise hit-and-run bandwidth theft.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Five to c/meta

As outlined in the SLRPNK Rules, any member of this instance can create communities, but doing so comes with responsibilities:

  • Active moderation of communities you create (you can add additional moderators yourself though)

  • Please add a community avatar and a basic side-bar text explaining what the community is about

  • Make a short introduction post to tell us a bit about yourself and why you created this community (this is mandatory!)

Occasionally we prune communities that do not meet these requirements. I’ve reached out to both current moderator accounts via PM, and neither GreatWhiteBuffalo41 or Justincase_2008@lemmy.world have replied or shown any activity on SLRPNK in 5 months or more. We often prune communities without public comment, but in this case we felt it deserved special mention.

A Brief History of Reddit's TwoXChromosomes

When Reddit started, its primary archetype was Slashdot, a site whose tagline was "News for Nerds" and whose format included voting on comments, user-assisted moderation, and user submitted stories for the admins to directly sign-off on, but the categories for posts were admin controlled. When Reddit started, one of its early communities was Programming, which remained a regular presence on the front page even after Reddit changed its architecture to allow user-created communities. Both Slashdot and to a lesser extent Reddit continue to be heavily male-dominated spaces and toxic to women. A common justification for this toxic dynamic was that there was something about STEM other than the male fragility, hostility, and domination that caused the lopsided representation.

Into this milieu appeared TwoXChromosomes - the name was catchy and immediately conjured both womanhood and tech-savvy, educated, nerdy fun. Posts from this community quickly became a regular fixture of Reddit's front page, demonstrating an outpouring of demand for a threaded discussion forum for women interested in technology and science.

But the victory was not effortless; complaining about 2XC became a favorite pastime for fragile men on the site. As their minority community grew, they had to constantly deal with men wanting to re-hash long-settled debates, have toxic masculinity personally explained to them, and other kinds of bad-faith engagement -- in addition to the undisguised harassment. 2XC instituted a heavy-handed (for the time) moderation policy that allowed men to participate, but only if they respected the community as a women's space. This represented one of the earliest and largest online spaces that participated in a larger discussion platform while protecting its minority members. For that reason 2XC was a trailblazer when it came to protected online spaces.

Is TwoXChromosomes Transphobic?

This was an early concern arising from the name, and the gender-essentialist attacks against transgender women. The early moderators of 2XC took the controversial (in 2008) stance that trans-women are women, and committed to be a trans-inclusive space. Trans-women were added as moderators, and trans-women's issues were frequently included in the topics of discussion. All women were shielded by the mods from male harassment, and trans-exclusionary women were not welcome.

Still, some trans-women and their allies felt excluded by the name, and for good reason. Defining femininity based on what chromosomes and how many one has is more than a dog-whistle - it's a naked form of aggression towards all women. But I'd argue that by normalizing "two x-chromosomes" as a synecdoche for all women rather than a bigoted attack, the community name is furthering the cause of transgender people.

How did the Fediverse's 2XC become unmoderated?

The activity-pub version of 2XC was created in June 2023 during the height of the first Reddit exodus. The creator established it with the intention of carrying on Reddit 2XC's legacy, and was soon joined by a mod from Reddit's 2XC. They were quickly challenged by members of the transgender community about the name, but most significantly, were overwhelmed by eager participation by inconsiderate men.

On Reddit, TwoXChromosomes typically is dominated by self-posts, where women are seeking validation from other women, or want to hear women's opinions on news or ideas. AP-2XC quickly became a place for men to come and seek validation from women, share their opinions on women's issues, or debate women about their opinions.

The original AP-2XC mods called out for additional moderators, but couldn't find women interested in sharing the responsibility to bring AP-2XC closer to the standards set by the original. Both mods have since returned to being active on Reddit.

Is the Fediverse hostile to women?

Yes, obviously. But not more than Slashdot, Reddit, or other similar platforms. I hope in the future on this platform or somewhere else in the Fediverse, a group of women will pick up the mantle of 2XC again and build a community better than its template. This set-back should serve as a reminder that the fight for women's spaces online isn't over. They require above-average tending by committed moderators, or any new minority space is likely to experience the same fate.

As admins, we procrastinated longer than we probably should have to close AP-2XC. We had hoped that it would find new champions, and could eventually make a full recovery. We were hesitant to step in and moderate in their stead, based on the land-mines inherent in men trying to moderate women's spaces.

Leaving the 2XC unmoderated creates a situation where new female participants are quickly chased away by the heavy male participation, and each new visitor is given the false impression that SLRPNK, (or worse) the Fediverse, is devoid of women. Both Blahaj.zone and Beehaw have done a great job of creating protected spaces for women, and are pushing for more moderators and better software support to improve their record. At SLRPNK, we're eager to also create healthy spaces for women, and are talking over XMPP about the best way to move forward with that.

Watch here for updates

We usually close unmoderated communities, but in the case of TwoXChromosomes, we plan to disable public posting and lock all threads. New participants will be redirected to this thread, and when the situation changes, we will post here with updates.

I'd like to thank the Activity Pub-2XC moderators for attempting this task, and for choosing SLRPNK as the place to try it. I'd also like to thank the women and non-binary people who participated in our disappointing simulacrum of 2XC despite its failings, and to men from SLRPNK and other more progressive corners of the Fediverse, who I feel helped push back against the waves of toxic and less enlightened men who dominated the community.

We're always looking for more moderators from among SLRPNK members, and there are a number of other communities that are undermoderated. If you enjoy a community’s existence, consider joining the XMPP chat on Movim, people are eager to accept whatever help you can give.

0.19 Timeline? (slrpnk.net)
submitted 5 months ago by spaduf to c/meta

Is there any sort of rough timeline for upgrading to 0.19? Apologies for the impatience, but I am so excited for some of the new features (particularly scaled sort and the moderator feed).

submitted 6 months ago by Five to c/meta


Greetings everybody! Slrpnk.net now has two Admins! On the 16th of October @poVoq gave me admin privileges, and I'm now involved in approving applications, responding to report tickets, and coordinating with other instance administrators. Your main admin is continuing to do those things as well, in addition to sysadmin tasks and technology improvements, and we are coordinating over XMPP to keep our actions consistent and in line with Slrpnk's values. Thank you @ProdigalFrog and @punkisundead for your warm endorsements, your support means a lot to me.

XMPP chat integration

As mentioned last month, Slrpnk.net is running an Ejabberd service. Movim.Slrpnk.net hosts a web-client you can use with your current username and password. After logging in to the Movim client, your XMPP account will be active, and you can access Slrpnk chat with any XMPP compatible Android or Apple client. You can find a list of suggested clients at joinjabber.org. Cheogram from F-Droid is a recommended choice.

Audio and video calls are still not fully functional yet, but we've been experimenting extensively with the chat options, and it has been invaluable for coordinating administrative activities. In addition to directly chatting with other users, there are public chat rooms, and you can create invite-only private rooms. The interface is not bug-free, but we've had direct help from the author in troubleshooting problems and fixing bugs. Thanks @edhelas@slrpnk.net!

Everyone is encouraged to join, but especially moderators who share communities. We've created an invite room for all moderators moderators@chat.slrpnk.net, and when demand requires, rooms for each community like "mod-memes" and "mod-anarchism" are available for community-specific coordination.

Call for moderators

We've noticed a rise in spam - this is good news as it is an indication of the Threadiverse's rising popularity, though it is of course also a challenge. There has also been a rise in hate speech and genocidal language due to recent tragic events. Palestinians and Israelis, Jews and Muslims are all people deserving of dignity and respect, and are all explicitly welcome here. I'm proud of the inter-admin solidarity particularly with Lemmy.world and Beehaw.org in responding to reports. I'm also proud of all of you who have participated in discussions, flagged spam and hate speech for us, and shown humanity to others in this trying time. You are an inspiration to me.

To grow and become better, we need people to mod. If you enjoy posting in a community, consider asking the owner of the community if you can help mod; if you're a moderator and you notice a person who you think would be a good moderator, don't be afraid to ask them to join you. If you're already a mod, consider reaching out to other mods to help them with their communities. Our Lemmy feature requests are improvements to the moderation tools, and the XMPP chat significantly improves the ease of inter-moderator coordination. More mods in a community usually means overlapping coverage when there's a diversity of time-zones and sleep schedules, and is a great opportunity to get to know other members of the community and learn social custodial skills from each other.

Fedi-Admin Guild

Since @poVoq announced it last month, we've added admins from four other Lemmy instances to the Fedi-admin guild, with a fifth likely to join soon. The guild runs on the open-source forum software Loomio, which is designed to facilitate online decision-making. It was designed for community governance, and though it is still a work in progress, the developers have been very responsive. If you're looking for another reason to volunteer as a mod, access is still open to you even if you're not an admin. Both Lemmy and Loomio are fascinating software concepts, if you're curious about that sort of thing, I think you'll like learning the features and seeing the clockwork.

I'm a big fan of the guild initiative as a form of prefigurative politics and for its potential for improving the general Threadiverse stability and performance. It's also an opportunity to build consensus on community norms in this new form of social technology we're all building together.

No UI change this month

We're sticking with the default Lemmy UI for at least another month. You can continue to experience site navigation in Photon and Alexandrite. There's a feedback post for Photon, and the developer, @Xylight@lemmy.world, is active in the threads. There's also an Alexandrite feedback post.

Open discussion

This is the monthly meta thread, it's now your turn to tell us what's new! Any topic related to this community, our infrastructure, or the Fediverse at large is fair game. If you've created a new community, this is a great thread to tell us about it. Got questions? Ask'em!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by poVoq to c/meta

It seems like there is an issue with the upgrade from Lemmy version 0.18.5 to 0.19.2 where the old login cookies are not accepted any longer and right now the only way to fix it is to manually delete the old cookies for slrpnk.net from your browser storage and log in again.

For Firefox: Settings > Privacy & Security > Manage Data... > Deleting Slrpnk.net

For Chrome: Settings > Privacy and Security > Third-party cookies > See all site data and permissions > Search for slrpnk.net > Click trashcan icon

For Edge: Settings > Cookies and site permissions > manage and delete cookies and site data > See all cookies and site data > Search for Slrpnk.net > Click little 'v' dropdown arrow > Click trashcan icon

Edit: the Lemmy devs identified the issue and it will require another bugfix release that will hopefully happed soon.

submitted 4 months ago by poVoq to c/meta

Happy new year and > 1000 members

First off, happy new year to everyone 😊

We also surpassed 1000 members on slrpnk.net near the end of last month. This is a nice milestone and another reason to celebrate.

While we had some server issues last month and also did not yet upgrade to the latest version of Lemmy (due to federation bugs with it), we can still welcome more users in 2024.

Of course the actually active number of users is quite a bit lower, as many of the Reddit migrants did not stick around. But I think we managed to get a healthy number of regular posters and our communities are also well subscribed to in the larger Fediverse.

I also managed to promote our instance a bit on the 37C3 congress in Hamburg a few days ago. Great Fediverse presence there and good solarpunk vibes as well.

New moderators / communities

We got two new communities in recent weeks that seem to be quite popular:

Technical updates

Besides the upcoming upgrade to Lemmy 0.19.x we thought a bit about other services to host. One idea is a collaborative text editor, for which the new Hedgedocs2 alpha is being tested on https://docs.slrpnk.net (BEWARE users and documents might be wiped without notice during the test period). We will update you when this service stabilizes sufficiently and also if we find a way to integrate accounts with the main Lemmy user database like we do for the XMPP & Movim service. Stay tuned 👍

Open discussion

As always, this is your thread. You’re welcome to comment about any meta stuff you don’t think is big enough for its own post. New communities, Lemmy or Movim issues, personal news, and questions for the community will be visible to the entire community here through the month of January.

submitted 11 months ago by FinallyDebunked to c/meta


in case the link is not working https://slrpnk.net/c/antidepressants

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by countrypunk to c/meta

I'm thinking about making a druidism ~~instance~~ community to discuss the practice and share stories and the likes. I'm not strictly opposed to it being a more general nature spirituality instance, depends on what y'all are thinking.

Anybody interested in joining and/or modding one?

Edit: I meant a community, not an instance. Got my Lemmy vocabulary mixed up. My apologies.

Edit 2: The community has been made. Go to !nature_spirituality

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by WaterWaiver2 to c/meta

I've made an account here because I can't contact you through my normal @WaterWaiver@aussie.zone account. Example test showing broken fed.

@Treevan@aussie.zone believes it might be because the Lemmy version disparity between our instances. Not sure, I don't have direct knowledge or experience with the backends.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by sudoreboot to c/meta

Others are not broken, such as !twoxchromosomes@slrpnk.net. 2XC.

It's not a general functionality problem with subscribing or blocking. If you go to any thread in a community, the buttons work from there. It also works to sub from the community list.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by poVoq to c/meta

We had some issue with the SSD pool that our Pictrs image storage runs on, which required some server restarts and a recovery of the Pictrs postgres database from backup.

We are still investigating the root cause of this, but for now everything seems to be back working.

Edit: looks like replacing the SATA cable did the trick, no further issues so far.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by poVoq to c/meta

As a matter of community building, lets make this a monthly thing 😊

Community gardening

As stated in our Wiki, we allow members to create their own communities as a way to encourage contributions, but this comes with the responsibility of active moderation. The site admins can't moderate all communities and unless a posts gets reported, they might not even know about spam etc. Thus we will regularly prune seemingly abandoned communities.

The current list set for pruning is:

So unless someone wants to step up and take them over for moderation and active contribution, they will be removed at the end of the month.

In addition there are these two communities that attract quite a bit of moderation workload and the current mods need support with that (otherwise it might be better to prune them as well):

Technical updates

The originally planned move to a smaller dedicated server was only partially completed and ran into some issue with 8GB RAM being slightly too small for our current Lemmy database use. It might be just a a memory leak issue that should be fixed with the next Lemmy release, but given some related consideration I decided to try use another server with 16GB RAM instead. This move has not been started yet, but I will try to keep the down-time to a minimum.

This server also has a built in GPU that would likely allow automatic scanning for illegal images via Lemmy-safty. This image recognition script is fully local, so no data is transmitted to any 3rd party, but it will likely result in some false-positives (Likely NSFW / child themed ones, which seems not like a major problem for our instance). Any hits will be removed from the storage automatically so this will also protect our moderators from having to deal with such potentially traumatic imagery.

I also made some progress with the account integration between Lemmy and an XMPP/Jabber server. The idea is that you will be able to use your existing username@slrpnk.net ID also for federated chat via the Jabber network. This is more secure than the internal Lemmy DMs as Jabber clients support end to end encryption (like Signal more or less). If in the future some Lemmy clients will add privacy preserving UnifiedPush we can also support that via this XMPP server.

I also started trialling a Movim web-client for it, which besides being a nice chat interface for private 1:1 and group chats, can also act as a long-form blogging site (kinda like Medium or Substack) for our members. Lets see if there is an interest in that 🤔

In theory bridges to Matrix, Discord, Telegram etc. could also be added, but it will need some more testing and might not work out. Voice and video calls will also initially not be supported due to some technical issue, but I plan to fix that ASAP.

Draft code of conduct

I am also still looking for feedback on and maybe some contributions to our incomplete draft code of conduct.

Open discussion

If you have any other topics related to our community here on slrpnk.net please comment below.

submitted 2 months ago by ProdigalFrog to c/meta

Heyo everyone! Hope you're all doing well. 😄

Today I was approached by the Admin team, @Five and @poVoq, if I would be willing to help administrate slrpnk.net, an offer I have graciously accepted.

To give some background; I came to Lemmy 8 months ago during the great reddit migration wave. After a brief dalliance with Lemmy.world and Kbin, I discovered slrpnk. It seemed to embody a lot of my ideals, not to mention a certain vibe in its community, as you no doubt have felt as well.

After posting here for a while, I took on moderating !buyitforlife@slrpnk.net when it came up on the chopping block in a monthly meta post. From there, I helped @Five moderate some of the other communities here, like !documentaries@slrpnk.net and !urbanism@slrpnk.net, all of which has been extremely rewarding, and in the process, made some pretty dang 'ol cool friends.

Now, with my swanky new admin status, I'll be trying my best to help out where I can in the community, so don't hesitate to send me a message if you find yourself in need of help as well! My door (or like... lily pad, if you want to keep it amphibian themed. And let's be honest, we both know you do 😏) is always open.

Thank you all for contributing to how wonderful this community is, and continues to be.


submitted 10 months ago by Charliebeans to c/meta

I believe hydrogen will part of your better future. I was thinking about dedicated community for hydrogen related stuff? What do you all think?

submitted 10 months ago by andrewrgross to c/meta

I've been having issues today with the front page not loading content. Refreshing works sometimes, but not always. I've also had some posts show a loading icon indefinitely. When I leave and come back, they usually load. I'm not sure why, but I figure sharing this will help with troubleshooting.

Is there any bug submission process I should follow aside from posting in !meta?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Excrubulent to c/meta

I've been searching for communities using https://lemmyverse.net, but lately every time I click on a link I get the error shown above (I've edited out my username because it's not really important). For instance the above error was shown when I clicked on the link https://slrpnk.net/c/imsa@lemmy.world

After I refresh the page I can see the content of the community, but I appear to be logged out. Then I hit refresh again and I log in, but sometimes the posts all disappear so the community appears to be empty.

Seems like something weird is going on here. I assume it's a bug. I'm happy to give any extra details you might need to figure out the problem.

EDIT: Turns out I couldn't see posts after logging in because my language wasn't set properly, and the other errors have disappeared with time.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by schmorpel to c/meta

Recently, I guess also because climate, health, financial crisis etc. make people more edgy and anxious, I have been witnessing an increase in domestic abuse in real life.

I believe there is a clear and urgent need for support and as I believe there cannot possibly be enough open doors for victims I would like to offer this support here on slrpnk as well and create a group for it.

Thought I'd ask before as I don't want to spam slrpnk with more groups and/or trigger people who might not consider this to be the right space for it. Relationship Anarchy could be a place for this as well, but I'd rather want to have a dedicated safe space where people can ask 'Am I actually in an abusive relationship?' and where they can find materials to help them decide what to do.

And of course, I would love to work together with others on this. I have started to write down some stuff but I really think it would be best to have different voices on this.

Also interesting from a [*]-punk perspective: the interweaving of abuse in personal life and abuse in society. Recognizing the abuse in my personal life was key in understanding similar processes in society.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Excrubulent to c/meta

So for instance I'm interested in all communities in the aussie.zone instance, and I can't find a way to use the search function for that. I've tried searching for communities using the search string "aussie.zone" and I get nothing.

Then in the screenshot shown I tried searching for communities with just the string "aussie" and I got "Aussie Environment@aussie.zone", which is strange because all the community names there contain the substring "aussie" and I'd expect this search to find them.

Is this a bug? Am I doing it wrong? It would be nice if there was a way to browse all communities in a given instance easily, because when I find an instance I like, I want to be able to go through and find the communities I like just as if I was browsing local communities on this instance.

Also the copy-paste method, which is still extremely clunky, is broken for me. I it just has [email protection] which when clicked does nothing useful. I've tried the Lemmy Link addon but not only is that also a very slow and clunky method which still doesn't let me browse by server, it keeps slowing down firefox so I've had to uninstall it.

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Meta (slrpnk.net)

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Here we can discuss anything about this Lemmy instance/server itself.

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Please also refer to our Wiki

founded 2 years ago