League of Legends

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A Lemmy community for the game League of Legends.

founded 1 year ago
Briar opinions? (lemmy.nerdcore.social)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Abel@lemmy.nerdcore.social to c/leagueoflegends@lemmy.world

She has like a 36.7% WR going for her I think rn? My impression is that she is trying to do warwick but is too squishy to do warwick, which makes her very easily duelable in the jungle with a lethality build and a healstopper (I play Poppy)


I am trying to get into league but matchmaking takes way too long on Singapore servers. Even during the day. Trying to queue rn at 2 am and the wait time was 1:16 minutes but it's been over 5 minutes. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?


Hi, did this thread mostly for myself and friends. Counted champs in lanes with 2k+ games in op.gg (or above 0% popularity in LeagueOfGraphs when op.gg's server was down).

If you don't know, this is the Globetrotter challenge. It consists of winning games with a premade party of five where only champions from a single region are used. It's a fun team exercise :)

It is organized like this:

LANE: Primary-role champions (recommended)

| secondary-role champions

|| people play this, I guess??? (viable but weak)

Here it goes:


Malphite, Milio, Neeko, Nidalee, Qiyana, Rengar, Zyra

TOP: Malphite | Rengar || Neeko, Nidalee, Qiyana

JUNGLE: Nidalee, Rengar | Zyra || Malphite, Neeko, Qiyana

MID: Neeko, Qiyana | Malphite

SUP: Milio, Zyra | Neeko


  • Your main issue in Ixtal is that there is no ADC. Qiyana should be the best one as she snowballs, but she is also very hard to play. Statistics says Neeko is the most played of the seven in ADC role, but it's a low number of games and may also just be indicative that Neeko is a champion with high pick rate, period. Overall I would go into alt pick because it's so FUBAR the champion wouldn't really matter. Bot lane, play safe and don't feed.


Corki, Fizz, Gnar, Heimerdinger, Kennen, Kled, Lulu, Poppy, Rumble, Teemo, Tristana, Veigar, Vex, Yuumi, Ziggs

TOP: Gnar, Kennen, Kled, Poppy, Rumble, Teemo | Heimerdinger || Tristana, Veigar

JUNGLE: | Poppy, Rumble || Teemo

MID: Corki, Fizz, Veigar, Vex | Kennen, Rumble, Tristana, Heimerdinger, Ziggs || Gnar, Kled, Poppy, Teemo

SUP: Heimerdinger, Lulu, Yuumi || Poppy, Teemo, Veigar, Ziggs

ADC: Tristana, Ziggs | Veigar || Heimerdinger

  • Pretty viable.


Fizz, Gangplank, Graves, Illaoi, Miss Fortune, Nautilus, Nilah, Pyke, Tahm Kench, Twisted Fate

TOP: Gangplank, Illaoi, Tahm Kench || Fizz, Graves, Nautilus

JUNGLE: Graves

MID: Fizz, Twisted Fate | Gangplank || Graves, Illaoi, Pyke

ADC: Miss Fortune, Nilah

SUP: Nautilus, Pyke || Miss Fortune, Tahm Kench

  • Not only viable but strong-ish. Color me impressed? A warning: Graves has a very high ban rate. Go blind pick if you must.


Fiora, Galio, Garen, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Lucian, Lux, Morgana, Poppy, Quinn, Shyvana, Sona, Sylas, Vayne, Xin Zhao

TOP: Fiora, Kayle, Quinn | Poppy, Shyvana, Sylas, Vayne || Galio, Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao

JUNGLE: Jarvan IV, Poppy, Shyvana, Xin Zhao | Sylas || Morgana*

MID: Galio, Lux, Sylas | Kayle || Fiora, Jarvan IV, Lucian, Morgana, Quinn, Shyvana, Vayne, Xin Zhao

ADC: Lucian, Vayne

SUP: Morgana, Sona | Galio, Lux, Poppy || Jarvan IV, Sylas

* Below 2k games on op.gg but I have a friend that seriously play this and he says it's viable lol.

  • Who would say that Demacia champions were so versatile? Also, Lucian and Vayne have both quite low ban rates.


Caitlyn, Camille, Corki, Ezreal, Heimerdinger, Jayce, Orianna, Seraphine, Vi

TOP: Camille, Jayce | Heimerdinger || Ezreal


MID: Corki, Heimerdinger, Orianna | Jayce, Seraphine || Caitlyn, Ezreal, Vi

ADC: Caitlyn, Ezreal | Seraphine

SUP: Heimerdinger, Seraphine

  • Vi and Heimerdinger have <1% banrates. You can go alt pick pretty safely.


Elise, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Gwen, Hecarim, Kallista, Karthus, Maokai, Senna, Thresh, Viego, Yorick

TOP: Gwen, Maokai, Yorick || Fiddlesticks, Karthus, Senna, Viego

JUNGLE: Elise, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim, Karthus, Maokai, Viego || Gwen

MID: | Karthus || Fiddlesticks, Gwen, Viego

ADC: Kallista | Karthus || Senna*

SUP: Senna, Thresh | Fiddlesticks, Karthus, Maokai

* 40% winrate. Only if you're desperate.

  • For some reason Vex and Kindred aren't here, because then your ADC could play Karthus or Kindred instead of Kallista. Other than that, that's a pretty fun region for everyone but your ADC!


Akshan, Amumu, Azir, K'Sante, Naafiri, Nasus, Rammus, Renekton, Sivir, Skarner, Taliyah, Xerath, Zilean

TOP: K'Sante, Nasus, Renekton | Akshan, Naafiri || Azir, Rammus, Skarner

JUNGLE: Rammus, Skarner, Taliyah | Naafiri

MID: Akshan, Azir, Naafiri | Taliyah, Xerath || K'Sante, Nasus, Renekton, Sivir, Zilean

ADC: Sivir || Taliyah, Xerath

SUP: Xerath, Zilean || Taliyah

  • Some really simple and some really complex champions, which makes it a bit odd. Naafiri is very flexible but also has the highest banrate of the patch.


Aphelios, Aurelion Sol, Diana, Leona, Pantheon, Soraka, Taric, Zoe

TOP: Pantheon || Aurelion Sol

JUNGLE: Diana || Pantheon, Taric

MID: Aurelion Sol, Zoe | Diana, Pantheon

ADC: Aphelios || Aurelion Sol

SUP: Leona, Pantheon, Soraka, Taric || Zoe

  • Limited pool of inflexible champions will make many cry blind pick. However, if you notice, this cast has a low ban rate (highest being Leona at 4.7%).


Anivia, Ashe, Braum, Gnar, Gragas, Lissandra, Nunu&Willump, Olaf, Ornn, Sejuani, Trundle, Tryndamere, Udyr, Volibear

TOP: Gnar, Olaf, Ornn, Trundle, Tryndamere, Volibear | Gragas || Anivia, Lissandra, Sejuani, Udyr

JUNGLE: Gragas, Nunu, Sejuani, Udyr | Trundle, Volibear || Olaf, Tryndamere*

MID: Anivia, Lissandra | Gragas || Gnar, Nunu, Ornn, Tryndamere, Volibear

ADC: Ashe

SUP: Braum | Gragas || Anivia, Ashe, Lissandra, Nunu, Ornn, Sejuani, Trundle

* <40% winrate, don't unless you are really good at him

  • Did you like making do with an adc in Ixtal? I hope your adc also did, since Ashe has a 11.42% banrate. Seriously, go blind pick. Help Ashe unify the tribes after all those years.


Ahri, Akali, Irelia, Ivern, Jhin, Karma, Kayn, Kennen, Lee Sin, Lilia, Master Yi, Rakan, Sett, Shen, Syndra, Varus, Wukong, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed

TOP: Irelia, Kennen, Sett, Shen | Akali, Wukong, Yone, Zed || Ahri, Karma, Kayn, Lee Sin*, Lillia, Master Yi, Syndra, Varus, Yasuo

JUNGLE: Ivern, Kayn, Lillia, Master Yi, Wukong | Zed || Lee Sin

MID: Ahri, Akali, Syndra, Yasuo, Yone, Zed | Irelia || Karma, Kennen, Lee Sin*, Sett, Varus, Wukong

ADC: Jhin, Varus, Xayah || Syndra, Yasuo, Yone

SUP: Karma, Rakan || Kennen, Lee Sin*, Sett, Shen, Yasuo*

* Lee Sin is kinda shit at anything that isn't Jungle. Top makes do, but Mid and Sup do not. * <40% Winrate. You got plenty of better choices, Yasuo mains.

  • I think the champions are a bit hard to learn, but at least you got plenty of choices.


Cassiopeia, Darius, Draven, Katarina, Kled, LeBlanc, Rell, Riven, Samira, Sion, Swain, Talon, Vladimir

TOP: Darius, Kled, Riven, Sion | Vladimir || Cassiopeia, Katarina, LeBlanc, Swain, Talon

JUNGLE: | Talon || Rell, Riven*, Sion

MID: Cassiopeia, Katarina, LeBlanc, Talon, Vladimir || Darius, Kled, Riven, Samira, Sion, Swain

ADC: Draven, Samira || Cassiopeia, Sion, Swain

SUP: Swain || LeBlanc, Rell, Sion

* <40% winrate. Those days are long gone.

  • Congratulations, Sion, you're the only one together with Karthus to fit all lanes! Seriously now, Samira is a super strong snowball. Noxus trolls Jungle and Support a bit, but Talon did worse.


Bel'Veth, Cho'Gath, Kai'Sa, Kassadin, Kha'Zix, Kog'Maw, Malzahar, Rek'Sai, Vel'Koz

TOP: Cho'Gath || Bel'Veth, Kassadin, Malzahar, Rek'Sai

JUNGLE: Bel'Veth, Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai

MID: Kassadin, Malzahar | Cho'Gath, Vel'Koz || Kai'Sa, Kog'Maw

ADC: Kai'Sa, Kog'Maw || Malzahar, Vel'Koz

SUP: Vel'Koz || Bel'Veth, Cho'Gath, Malzahar

  • Pretty smooth. Nothing to add.


Blitzcrank, Dr. Mundo, Ekko, Janna, Jinx, Renata Glasc, Singed, Twitch, Urgot, Viktor, Warwick, Zac, Zeri, Ziggs

TOP: Dr. Mundo, Singed, Urgot | Warwick, Zac || Ekko, Viktor

JUNGLE: Ekko, Warwick, Zac || Dr. Mundo, Singed, Twitch*

MID: Viktor, Ziggs | Ekko || Singed, Twitch, Urgot, Zac, Zeri

ADC: Jinx, Twitch, Zeri | Ziggs || Viktor

SUP: Blitzcrank, Janna, Renata Glasc || Singed, Twitch, Zac, Ziggs

* 41% winrate. You have better picks.

  • Zaum I love, because there are tutorial-level champions to play in every role. I recommend you start here (or in whatever region you have more mains for in your premade).

Do We Have a Way to Give Suggestions for Arena Mode?

Coming from TFT, the augment system in Arena is pretty bad.

  1. Augments you looked past comes back when you rer-roll or during other augment rounds. I don't want to see Phenomenal Evil three times in one game.

  2. Some augments shouldn't show up at the later augment rounds like the "You can buy any number of mythic items". Imagine you're full build, 700gold and you got that augment. You can't sell 5 legendary items and get 5 mythic, you'll probably only get 4 mythics and be down an item.

  3. I wish they'd implement the better re-roll system as well, where you can re-roll individual augments instead.


A nice trip down memory lane for us old league players


(No, I don't want to turn off ALL yellow dot notifications; ONLY the TFT one)

EVERY SINGLE TIME I launch the client, there is a yellow dot on the TFT tab. I check every item I can claim: they have been claimed already. I have clicked through all those childish conversations that you can have with champions. I have even checked my inventory. I am NOT going to buy the pass.

Still, after I close the client, EVERY SINGLE TIME there is a yellow dot on the TFT tab and it's driving me insane.

Where can I finally claim that hidden thing? What do I need to do to make it go away?


When do you go scorch vs taking Gathering storm. I always take gathering storm but im wondering if its possible to get enoug value out of scorch to justify taking it.

I am playing caitlyn aggressively in lane.


Link is to a /r/leagueoflegends thread on Reddit where the OP provides a screenshot showing an account called Exil accusing a Nocturne player of being a Chinese wintrader and telling him to get cancer.


Greetings fellow summoners of the Fediverse. Imma try to contribute some content to the magazine regarding the upcoming jungle nerfs.

I've heard through that Riot is getting ready for a jungle nerf in the near future (phroxzon suppsedly posted some Xcrement on Musk's dumpster fire). What is the impression of jungle in your games and on which rank are you playing?

I'm in bronze and mained jungle the previous two seasons whereas I play sidelanes now (top atm but adc is fine as well). I get that jungle is very impactful by concept, but I feel like this doesn't transfer two low elo games directly. Here are my reasons:

  1. In general jungle is behind on exp and gold compared to solo lanes to offset the higher impact.
  2. So if you just afk farm, you will be behind solo lanes.
  3. You'll have to make some plays then. Making successful plays depends on your judgment of the map state and what happens next.
  4. Because you and everyone in the game is dumb and won't behave like they should if they'd understand the game, you can't rely on "proper decision making", even if you make the right call.
  5. This means it's very random if your calls will work or not.

So here's what I conclude: Your jungler will either play it safe and will be behind all game or he will try to get fed but he doesn't have the biggest agency about it if he's not a smurf that has a way better understanding of the game. So you'll just flip a coin and see if your jungler snowballs or the other.

If the upcoming jungle nerfs will target jungle economy again I'll suppose this will get worse. A better way to nerf jungle in regards to game health would be to reduce the skill ceiling in jungling; maybe it's a "Zeri problem" where better players are just too good for the role.

Don't ask me how to do this, though. Only thing I can contribute is that I've seen both sides of blaming jungle that I think the role is shit in low elo. I don't even jungle anymore but everytime our premade has a random jungler from the interwebs in our team I hear the poor guy playing just as bad as ourselves but of course he's the problem. If we win then of cooourse we carried like hell.

I love the whole macro aspect of jungling but I won't touch that toxic role anywhere soon. Toplane is so fun in comparison: You'll fight mano-a-mano and both of you are still reasonably fed after lane if someone didn't run it down completely. You'll get to play your first 15 mins in peace and then you'll join clown-fiesta and see how it goes lol.

Thanks for coming to my FedTalk


After a bunch of searching, it seems to me that there's no way to move without potentially accidentally attacking champions. It seems asinine to me that such basic functionality doesn't exist especially in a game where positioning is like the single most important aspect. What are the chances of Riot adding this? Is a place to petition for such a thing?

Just for thoroughness:

  • "Target Champions Only" toggle
    • Obviously doesn't work if you're trying to walk around a champion
  • Disable "auto-attack" in game options
    • This only makes it so your champ won't automatically try to basic attack enemies you hit with an ability
  • Hold down right click
    • You'll still attack anyone your mouse hovers over before releasing the click
  • Aim "wide"
    • Not always an option, there can be walls, etc. that would make your character walk in a completely different direction than you want

Hey! First things first, thank you for creating this community. Now, do you think we should have more regular match or post match threads in this community? I saw there are some here and there, but not consistently for any match. I would also be available to create a bot to automate this, if you think that would be a cool thing to have


Stolen from the sub.


Somebody's gotta do it


Asking because I think League's biggest problem is that competitive play is dominated by a small handful of champions with nobody willing to explore alternative picks.


I adore this pixel of a rock man. I'm afraid some of that rustic charm will be gone if he ever gets an ASU. Drawn in Clip Studio Paint in couple of hours.


I am Silver 3 and I played a lot of caitlyn with the normal items. I'm bored of it and I was looking at the attack speed run and thinking "Why do we always take this.. sure the dps is higher but what if I take the extra ad" so I took it and I played a game and it felt pretty good.

I then built a lethality item and I really loved the damage coming out of the EQ combo. I tried a bunch of builds and I have settled on Serrated dirk > Collector > IE > BT > Storm razer/LDR For boots I normally sit on tier 1 until IE is done.

I have gotten a lot of shit for this because its a crap build. But its working for me and I have tried peoples suggestions of going Yommu's > collector > sedge and it doesnt feel as good.

For runes I take fleet footwork, PoM, Alarcity, coup. Then AF and gathering storm.

For combo AA > E > Q > AA lvl 2 damage with longsword is 462

lvl 5 damage with dirk is 712

lvl 9 damage with collector is 1286

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