Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

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Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.

As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades: Graph of temperature as observed with significant warming, and simulated without added greenhouse gases and other anthropogentic changes, which shows no significant warming

How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world: IPCC AR6 Figure 2 - Thee bar charts: first chart: how much each gas has warmed the world.  About 1C of total warming.  Second chart:  about 1.5C of total warming from well-mixed greenhouse gases, offset by 0.4C of cooling from aerosols and negligible influence from changes to solar output, volcanoes, and internal variability.  Third chart: about 1.25C of warming from CO2, 0.5C from methane, and a bunch more in small quantities from other gases.  About 0.5C of cooling with large error bars from SO2.

Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:

Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.

founded 1 year ago
submitted 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) by solo to c/climate

"Overall, the report is full of bad news that is good news."

At least, that's one of the findings from the 2024 Space Environment Report published by the European Space Agency (ESA) on July 23. The report offers an accounting of satellites and debris accumulating in Earth's orbit. ESA's latest report, which has been published annually since 2017, is like a census for space activities and shows how bad the problem is becoming. According to its data, there are more than 35,000 objects being tracked by surveillance networks, with approximately 26,000 being pieces of debris larger than 4 inches in size.

The report suggests that despite an improved effort to mitigate this massive amount of space debris, the junk has continued to pile up. So much so, in fact, that we are creating "an unsustainable environment in the long-term," the report says.

Just this week, SpaceX revealed the 6,200 satellites in its Starlink megaconstellation have had to make almost 50,000 collision-avoidance manuevers over the past year, dodging junk and debris in low-Earth orbit. The company also had an on-Earth near-miss in May, after debris from one of its Crew Dragon spacecraft landed throughout the mountains of North Carolina, including on private residences.


Archived copies of the article:


Archived copies of the article:



Uncover the oil industry’s decades-long campaign to discredit climate change science regarding the danger of fossil fuels.


Throughout the 1980s, oil industry reps discussed the dangers of burning fossil fuels, acknowledging the risk their product posed to the future of humanity. However, instead of warning the public or pivoting towards renewable energy sources, they doubled down on oil — and launched a decades-long campaign to discredit climate change science. Stephanie Honchell Smith digs into Big Oil's tactics.

Lesson by Stephanie Honchell Smith, directed by Sofia Pashaei.

This video made possible in collaboration with Speed & Scale


The sickness of Earth requires us to become more radical. Because when we see that the system is unable to regulate itself to take care of Earth, it shows that the system doesnt work. The foundations has to change. The discussion has to be, how did the system lead us here? And how can we rebuild society from a healthy foundation?

Being radical is necessary.

But we are not radical in our language. Even those who conciders themselves radicals are very conservative with their word usage.

In particular, we keep on using words from academia, capitalism and classical left wing think tanks. The communist will talk about the borgoisie and proletariat - The climate activists will talk about co2 footprint, the consumer and overconsumption - The academia frames everything in terms of problems and solutions.

We need to examine the words we use, and allow ourselves to relight our language towards a remediated language. Where we stop being part of the machine, and start being part of the global networks of life in Earth.

Because without the willingness of changing your language, you show unwillingness to be the change you want to see.

In this spirit, I have made the thinktank oakism. Founded on 5 frames.

Cohold ٨٨ - To help those who needs it. Allmen ٨ - Let humans be in center of power, not grippers. Degrip 🪰 - To prevent grip. Nurture 🌻 To grow ourselves and our peers. Colife 🐝 To live with, not against nature and our peers.

Oakism is an approach to remediate Earth. To concisely pinpoint attitudes that remediates, and also makes it very visual. Because humans has easier to grasp words when they are visual.

  • I know this post is kind of a mess, but I just wanted to post something.