submitted 33 minutes ago by merompetehla@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/16399318

I own several external 2.5'' HDDs on the 1 TB range where I save my data. Samsung has worked well for me, but now I need more space.

One option would be to buy an external SSD instead of HDD.

Another would be to get an external NVME, but so far I haven't found cases for them.

Nowadays we even have 1 TB flash drives, should I get one of these instead?

I could also buy 2 0.5 TB micro SD cards instead.

So many options make it difficult to decide.

What brands and technologies do you recommend?

Software is going to be debian based.

submitted 3 hours ago by linucs@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Any topic, just explain what it is please

submitted 7 hours ago by kionite231@lemmy.ca to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I usually spend 1-2 hour on Lemmy since I am not a good reader(and also non native) so it takes some time to read all the content I like on Lemmy.

I was inactive for some time because I was busy with my life but I am back and now I try to post and comment more frequently!


There was a finding that all males have microplastic particles in our testes.

It became a meme.

Everybody laughed.

New meme overtakes old meme.

We forget about our plastic testes and move on.

But, is there any issues going forward, that anyone is aware of?

submitted 10 hours ago by governorkeagan@lemdro.id to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Has anyone outside the EU/UK recieved a response from the right to object form? I've heard that people outside of the EU/UK aren't getting responses with their wishes being honoured.


From any hopes for a bounceback in career, a healthy love life, a more active friend circle .etc

For me it's when you start entering your 50s. You start to think more and more in how you'll end up being as you progress in age. Thoughts of the idea of how to maintain your health and how so much now is going to affect you set in. Thoughts on potentially retiring start setting in.

Things like getting friends and dates won't be impossible, but they'll be incredibly hard to get. Even if you have either, they most likely will not turn out how you expect to be whereas when you were younger, you had the time and energy on your side.

Careers and where you'll work will just dry up where you could likely be stuck just doing retail work for the remainder of your life or any minimum wage position.

Very few people make a difference in their 50s or already had their life planned out to where they're fine in their 50s. But a lot of the time, people really don't.

submitted 13 hours ago by a_new_sad_me@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Like everyone I'm struggling to keep my data on Google drive below their limit. This is fine. I've been gradually deleting photos from my drive and transferring them to my own storage.

I managed to clear up about 2GB of space that away, but recently, a few weeks ago my consumed storage jumped up. I cannot figure though what is the file that tis taking away my data. It could be the I switched phone, but I don't see any big sync folder/file that I should delete here.

Any idea what is happening?

(Note: I've stopped sharing my photos with Google drive)

Best way to backup files (sh.itjust.works)

I have about 500GB of data (photos, documents, videos etc.) that I have accumulated over the years. Currently, I keep them on my computer and rsync all additions / changes once a month or so to an external hard drive. Do I need to be worried about data loss (sectors going bad, bit rot, bit flip, whatever it is called)?

To clarify,

  1. None of this is commercially important; I just don't want to get into a situation where I look up an old family photo or video twenty years down the line and it has got corrupted.

  2. Both my computer and the external HD are HDDs. They are fairly cheap here (and very cheap if second hand). Buying SSDs or dedicated hardware would be expensive.

submitted 17 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) by governorkeagan@lemdro.id to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

After everything that has happened with Raivo over the last few days it’s reminded me that I need to go through my accounts with 2FA enabled.

However, how do others keep things organised? My main 2FA app is Proton Pass but I’ll be adding Ente Auth as a backup alongside my Yubikey. In the past I saved a copy of the QR codes when setting up 2FA but I’d occasionally forget to save new ones.

Does anyone have a good system for saving either the QR code or setup code (not actually sure what it’s called) for future use?

EDIT: the code I’m referring to is the initial secret code used to setup the 2FA

submitted 21 hours ago by JustAsImportant@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Hi, everyone!

I have an old ASUS Zenfone Max Pro M2 laying around getting some dust, and have no idea what interesting things could be done with/to it. Well, its display is broken and it's impossible to use it conventionally due to ghost touch, but a fix for this is to mirror its screen onto my computer using scrcpy.

I searched the web to find some ideas on which uses I could give to it, but none sounded good. I was thinking about turning it into a self-hosted file storage or something of the like. Is it possible to do so on with a phone? I'd love to hear from you guys about this or any other suggestion you have!


The "appearance" button seen on Dutch wikipedia is able to change the SIZE of the font (text) and the width of the article. This is extremely nice to have, but it's not there on any English article...

submitted 1 day ago by kionite231@lemmy.ca to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml


I have been diving into these anonymous boards and stuff. I wanted to know if anyone use it for any actual purposes like for getting some tech knowledge or something?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Binette@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

For context, I heard the term "Web 3.0" be used for the first time for everything being put on the blockchain. Then, it reminded me of a post on Mastodon saying that the fediverse is Web 3.0. After that I looked it up on the internet, and the definition included A.I. with crypto.

So I'm wondering, what is actually Web 3.0? What does it mean to you? Or maybe is Web 3.0 just another attempt at making investors pay up?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by LodeMike@lemmy.today to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Mine would be Annihilation while very stoned.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by red_pigeon@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I know a lot of shitty things are happening in the world right now. But I get this feeling that most of the posts I see in lemmy feed are sad or depressing.

Are there any uplifting communities that I'm missing out on ?

Edit1: Thanks for the suggestions everyone

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by throwawaysalami@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Are there some practical things you can do at that point? Or is that the cue you should just leave?

Some context: It's a Latin dance party. Meaning you dance with a partner. I do not have a very much experience with it (about 16 lessons, with half of them being repeats). I go there with some people I know, but am not all too well acquainted with.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by dependencyinjection@discuss.tchncs.de to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Should we stop supporting them with our eyes for taking sponsorships from shady companies?

Edit: I took my first step and unsubscribed from the channel and I will continue to withhold my viewership to those that don’t take better care of the viewers.

Likely doesn’t matter, but I’m on a roll of not giving my money to companies that are immoral so why not do the same with my eyes.


What is it about the text messages and emails sent by older people that make me feel like I'm having a stroke?

Maybe they're used to various shortcuts in their writing that they picked up before autocorrect became common, but these habits are too idiosyncratic for autocorrect to handle properly. However, that doesn't explain the emails I've had to decipher that were typed on desktop keyboards. Has anyone else younger than 45 or so felt similarly frustrated with geriatrics' messages?


submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by Melatonin@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

If it's cheap to get stars, I'm definitely having Dolph Lundgren at my next birthday party. Dude doesn't have to do anything, just hang out.


I was reading a recent article about the efforts by people not to ban books. While I think the sentiment is good-natured, as a helper at my local library, this is actually very problematic. People donate to us all the time, as is how libraries work. Sometimes the books are unpopular, unproductive, harmful, or just low tier.

I would never apply this logic to human beings, all humans have value if the system knows how to channel them correctly, but books are inanimate objects where their expected purpose is to be read (if you were to say a book is useful on the basis it could be used for something like ripping the pages out for wiping a floor for example, that would make its usefulness as a book cease). Often we are over capacity from the donations, so once a year we have a book sale at the church (libraries and churches getting along? Crazy, right?), but even then, a lot just isn't sold, and we're forced to either give them to another holding place or, in the worst case scenario, cremate or trash them. I am all for free speech, but freedom to produce speech is different from freedom to preserve speech, and I'm sure even the ancient Romans produced a lot of scribbly nonsense.

Suppose you were in my shoes and the library could preserve anything forever but not everything forever. What criteria would you use in order to decide what media (books, movies, games, etc.) gets to stay and what has to go?

submitted 3 days ago by Martin@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

So my company decided to migrate office suite and email etc to Microsoft365. Whatever. But for 2FA login they decided to disable the option to choose "any authenticator" and force Microsoft Authenticator on the (private) phones of both employees and volunteers. Is there any valid reason why they would do this, like it's demonstrably safer? Or is this a battle I can pick to shield myself a little from MS?

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