submitted 10 months ago by demesisx to c/adventurebuilders

Without further ado or doo doo here's the movie. For anyone who would like to support this kind of thing, there are some links below. Here is an email address for any questions or comments, theadventurebuildermovie@gmail.com. Thanks to everyone and Zzzzzzzzzz.... Jaimie

Adventure Builders

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Jaimie Mantzel is building an island mega fortress in Panama with his bare hands. Enjoy discussions and keep up to date with his latest video series.

This is a fediverse clone of Adventure Builders on Reddit.

Occasionally, Jamie says something really controversial and I have made the executive decision (since I run this community) to remove it manually. If you see anything offensive, please report it.

Please stay civil, calm, and friendly.



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founded 10 months ago