Vegetable Gardening

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Hello fellow gardening enthusiasts! Whether we own an acre of land or a few buckets on a balcony, whether we prefer squash, strawberries or tomatoes, what unites us here is our love for growing and then consuming. Beginners and experts alike are welcome to share tips, questions, pictures of harvests and more! #gardening #vegetables #garden #farming #raisedbeds #plants #compost #fruits #seeds

founded 1 year ago

A greenhouse study with barley (Hordettm disticlton L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown on two mineral soils and fertilized with three levels of 7-yr-old compost combined with four different levels of nitrogen (N) showed that boron (B) toxicity was dependent on the amount of N used in combination with compost. At high rates of compost, symptoms of B toxicity characterized by brown spotting and a burning appearance on older leaf tips, were moderate to severe in both crops. Addition of N decreased the severity of these symptoms; at a high rate of 150 ppm applied N, B toxicity was negligible. The B concentrations of the tissues of the two crops increased with increasing rates of compost and decreased with increasing rates of N in the soil. There was a significant interaction between the rates of compost and applied N. At low rates of N, increased applications of compost resulted in greater concentrations of B. Increasing rates of compost decreased the manganese (Mn) concentration of the boot-stage tissue. 'the tissue Mn concentrations ranged from 44 to 185 ppm and were not the cause of toxicity symptoms noted on the leaves. The N/B ratios of 249-520 were associated with severe to medium B toxicity, whereas ratios of greater than 682 were associated with very few to no B toxicity symptoms


Planning on giving away most of this. For our family of three we grew way too much. Turning some of this into Salsas and a special Pico de Gallo Salsa that’s made from lemon cucumber, tomato, corn, peanut, red onions, cilantro, jalapeños, lime juice, and salt.




Hoping these are the mini pumpkins we planted.


Hello! How was your week and what progress did you see in your garden? What are you happy or unhappy with? Time to share your experiences!

Personally I've been fighting a nasty invasion in my brassicas that destroyed the daikons. At least the broccoli looks okay.

On the good news front, I've been blessed with delicious lettuces that keep coming back, my beans are thriving, I get a new courgette every other day and I've seen my first cucumber flowers. Here's hoping they give me many fruits!

Our month of June was very hot and dry, but fortunately a good rain helped us this week. Water management is a challenge though, and I'm a bit torn between my desire for a good harvest and my efforts to keep watering to a minimum to avoid waste.


My cucumbers and broccoli seedlings are coming along well in their new cheapo greenhouse!



As we are starting this magazine/community from scratch, I'd like to hear if you have expectations or wishes for the direction of this sub. I'm open to all suggestions!

Personally I'm happy to just share our tips and experiences about gardening, and I hope we can build a good community and become a ressource for fellow hobbyists.

What do you all think? I'd love to hear from you.


Garlic can be just as useful in the garden as it is in the kitchen. Here's how to use this special ingredient to ward off pests and keep your plants happy.