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I will now be opening the community for a trial run, with the bot. Note that for now, the rules are hardcoded.

Literally 1984

Post whatever you like, but make sure to follow the rules. No thoughtcrimes.


  1. Title must start with "M".
  2. Title must exceed 15 characters in length.
  3. Title must end with "%".
  4. Body must exceed 32 characters in length.
  5. Body must not contain the phrase "lemmy".

Big Brother is watching you.

founded 1 year ago

In a world of constant surveillance, freedom becomes an illusion.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


Genuinely curious if mods can circumvent the rules, or if they will be silenced for their thought crimes. Lemme see a violation post!


whats a lemmy


I have no clue what this is


I know right, that is amazing. But you might think: why?

No you don't, you never have, since you don't exist and you never have. No one is even capable of holding such a thought, so since that is the case, you don't exist.


I'll start with an idea of mine: users could be banned if they used an English preposition in a comment. What other ideas do you guys have?




Macrophages play a role in both innate immunity and adaptive immunity.

In innate immunity, they phagocytise the pathogens and they also release cytokines that promote the recruitment of other immune cells to the site of infection. Some of these cells are Natural Killer cells and basophils but they don't start with M.

In adaptive immunity, Macrophages have the ability to breakdown the pathogen and find specific markers on the pathogens that can be used as a target by the adaptive immune response. This marker is called an antigen.

They then take the antigen and present it on a receptor called MHC Class 2. This MHC Class 2 basically holds the antigen while the Macrophage makes its way to a lymph node, where T Helper cells are located.

The T Helper cells can then analyse the antigen on the MHC and promote the proliferation of T and B cells which will specifically seek out that antigen in the body and destroy any cells that have that antigen present.

Here's a video of phagocytosis in action, its pretty cool that this stuff is just happening inside of us and we have no control over it.



Disregard the last post, by the traitorous Moxvallix. He didn't believe in the power of Oceania, and will be spending some time in Room 101.

(The bot seems to work when used with a local account, and so I have decided that we can go ahead. Couldn't post from Moxvallix, as the bot banned me lmao.)


I was hoping this community could have started already, but unfortunately this bot library not working has caused some delays.

As soon as it is fixed, I'll have the community up and running.


Ignore this, I need to add Big Brother as mod.


If you are not familiar with the concept of this community please read this post.

If you have some ideas for rule templates this community could use, please leave them below.

As much as possible, I want rules to be able to be enforced by a moderation bot, so please only suggest rules that could be enforced in a programmatic way.

These templates will be used to create random rules, by choosing a random character, length etc.

Field Rules (Title or Body)

  • Field must start with character
  • Field must not start with character
  • Field must end with character
  • Field must not end with character
  • Field must contain character
  • Field must not contain character
  • Field must contain phrase
  • Field must exceed length
  • Field must not exceed length
  • Field must be lowercase
  • Field may not use grammar
  • Field must be capitalized
  • Field must contain a link
  • Field must be bold
  • Field must be italic
  • Field must contain a code block

Post Rules (Metadata about the Post)

  • Post must have image
  • Post must not have image
  • Post must have URL
  • Post must not have URL
  • Post must stay under X amount of upvotes
  • Post must stay under X amount comments

If you don't like any of these rule templates as well, make sure to let me know as well in the comments.


About this community, and what is to come…

I had an idea for a neat community. You know the 1984 meme, where people will call 1984 at the slightest hint of imposed authority? Well, what if I made a sublemmy all about being banned for arbitrary reasons.

My idea for this community: weekly, a new rule would be added to the community, replacing an older one. These would be arbitrary things such as “posts must start with a %” or “images are not allowed”. Then, the community would be moderated by a bot, scanning new posts for violating these rules. A Big-Brother-Bot if you will.

If you have been caught violating the rules, you are banned from the community until the next rule is added (so weekly unbans).

The idea is that it's a challenge to create a post conforming to all the rules. It should feel rewarding managing to post without receiving an instant ban. You can then always try again next week, if you do fail.

Apart from that gimmick, the community would allow anything to be posted, whether news, memes, etc (as long as they follow site rules of course).

This sublemmy will remain locked until I have written the bot. I’m hoping that will only take a week or two. Would appreciate help from anyone with more experience in that area. If you have any ideas/suggestions, please leave them below. I would also like to gauge interest in this idea, if people aren’t really interested in the idea, I may not go ahead with it. Just thought it could be a cool community premise.