best game of the state of play for me

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/playstation@lemmy.world

update: sate of play video

The show will include a total of 14 games (PS5/PSVR2) across 30+ minutes, Sony says. The State of Play will begin at 3pm PT / 6pm ET / 11pm BST | May 31 12am CEST / 7am JST.

What are your predictions or wishes?

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 3 points 1 week ago

That's the title as well

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

From the exclusives, only paper mario is announced i guess. So at the moment no. Let's wait for the June direct. I anyways start to play my backlog and it will be a few trails of games that i haven't bought on switch. Update: probably i buy the hyperdimension neptunia collection for the switch

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 3 points 2 weeks ago

I think my switch took a lot dust pately, but i play a bit xenoblade chronicles 2 this weekend.

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Would be nice if Sony or someone else spend money keep those studios alive, but i don't have much faith in it. Sony has currenlty closes London Studios as well and had big laid off on their studios as well as a lot other major publisher.

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 1 points 3 weeks ago

Of course they are not prepared, but then don't add a requirement for a game if you now prepared.

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 1 points 3 weeks ago

It's a guess... with no real evidence to to it, but i wouldn't say it's impossible. The current interim CEO Hiroki Totoki has said they want to make more money on PC bringing more games to PC. Maybe he has bigger plans on that plattform. But only because you have a account on something doesn't really mean you buy games on that plattform. Don't know how much origin or ubisoft make money with their accounts, i'm sure it's way more on steam?

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 2 points 3 weeks ago

I don't think there is a real evidence to that at the moment. So far Sony is probably know for hmmm bad secrurity of data, but i don't know about selling data.

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 17 points 3 weeks ago

i don't get sony, even if people wouldnlt care to create a psn account. They just sell a game is less countries, means less money. What's the benefit of it?

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 7 points 1 month ago

I'm not the OP, but if you had the most fun on PC, it's for me the only correct answer.

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 month ago

It's the ps4. I have a lot childhood memories with the Ps2. Then i played a while mmorpg and other stuff, got bored by it and Mostly the ps4 let me experience good games again. Playing the first time fighting games on a more advance level, going to tournaments and meeting people or play a lot jrpg's. The ps4 bought that back to me

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 12 points 1 month ago

The short answer is, because they make money.

[-] tamlyn@lemmy.zip 9 points 1 month ago

Bocchi is very intelligent. Buying an aircon is impossible, because she have to talk to people. Going inside this freezer is easier.

submitted 3 months ago by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/indiegaming@lemmy.world

I saw this game already years ago and was interrested. Seems they finally got near to release.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/nintendo@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/nintendo@lemmy.world

That's still a game i want to play, haven't get it up on other plattform. But i like Ys and Trails a lot, maybe look into that game.

submitted 4 months ago by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/nintendo@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

despite that title, it's more about Mastodon, GoToSocial, and Akkoma.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/nintendo@lemmy.world
submitted 5 months ago by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/fgc@lemmy.world
submitted 5 months ago by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/nintendo@lemmy.world
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by tamlyn@lemmy.zip to c/fgc@lemmy.world

Date: from April 27 to 29, 2024

The official title lineup is as follows:

  • Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
  • Guilty Gear: Strive
  • The King of Fighters XV
  • Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike – Fight for the Future
  • Street Fighter 6
  • Tekken 8
  • Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes

Price Pool:

14 mio yen above all games


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