[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 1 points 12 minutes ago

I am just waiting for the trough of disillusionment to arrive...

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 1 points 6 hours ago

I hated Chrome's UI so much that I switched from Firefox to Pale Moon when Firefox started the whole Australis design language, and only switched back when the current design was launched

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 1 points 7 hours ago

That is a good point, I had not thought about that.

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 4 points 10 hours ago

Fair, I can see that, I guess my question was more for the people who already had switched to Firefox

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 25 points 10 hours ago

I remember when Chrome was released, all marketing was on how much faster it rendered webpages, I never saw that as an issue, Firefox was fast enough, I tried Chrome for a bit, and hated the UI, I remember being confused as to why everyone loved Chrome suddenly, and frankly, I still am a bit confused by both the sudden shift, and the absolute market dominance by Chrome...

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 18 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

I believe that Karl Jobst is a massive grifter and I hope he loses.


Oh and I disagree with your assesment and hopes"

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 14 points 14 hours ago

I believe that protests should disrupt normal activities for bystanders.

That being said, I will never support those stupid environmental glue protests or any unlawful protest that blocks traffic, not because traffic has some kind of supreme right to keep going, but rather because it is impossible to separate emergency traffic from normal traffic and only let emergency vehicles past when traffic is backed up a long way.

A protest march that has permission (which our police is required to give out unless there is a safety concern) walking down the main road is fine, if an emergency vehicle needs to get somewhere the services already knows where the protest is and where it is headed, so they can plan around it, and since the police are there to keep order around the protest then can pause the march at an intersection if a fire truck needs to cross ahead of the march.

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 19 points 23 hours ago

Reflection gives questions, but few solid answers, hate gives you no questions, but all solid answers.

Living with hate is just soo much simpler, you can delfect any problems you encounter to be the fault of your targeted hate group.

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 3 points 1 day ago

I once had a laptop that had AOL installed on it from the factory, I only started the program one or twice out of curiosity as I got the laptop from a Swedish retailer in Sweden....

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 5 points 1 day ago

I find disposable gloves, aprons and surgical masks to be sexy.

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 5 points 1 day ago

I remember browsing /b/ to be edgy as a teen back in 2003-2006, nothing more.

[-] stoy@lemmy.zip 0 points 1 day ago

Since this thread is hosted on lemmy.ml, I meant that.

submitted 1 week ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/videos@lemmy.world

This was broadcast on state television in Sweden in the 90s...

I remember watching it back then, having zero idea of what what going on but liking the bright colors...

The main part is just a guy doing a one man show for kids on a terrible CGI background.

There are also weird CGI shorts, music videos, puppetry, badly drawn cartoons, a weird gameshow with teddy bears, bad music videos.

I realize that they are all speaking Swedish, but trust me, this is from an era just breaking out of heavy moralizing and the segments of the show are constantly overbaering with trying to tech kids stuff.

It is not without it's charm though, I kinda like the gameshow part, even if the concept is a bit contrived... But I like the attention to detail and how nicely made it is.

submitted 1 month ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I mean in those areas where it just identical houses along a road in huge blocks.

How would you realisyicly solve it?

submitted 1 month ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/sweden@lemmy.world

Bra post på /r/Sweden idag, skammlöst stulen.

Tänk dig att du imorgon blir anställd av polisen för att eliminera (eller minska drastiskt) gängkriminalitet i Sverige, vad skulle du göra?

submitted 1 month ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

In the 80s/90s Arnold was a huge movie star, playing huge men in both serious and comedy roles.

I guess that what I am asking is; what actor today could occupy the same kind of decade defining place as Arnold did in the 80s/90s?

They don't have to be a massive bodybuilder, but they should be the first name that anyone would think of when someone say "2010s/2020s".

submitted 3 months ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/sweden@lemmy.world

Jag tycker det är roligt att se att våra ÖB har viljan och möjligheten att göra saker tillsammans i en avslappnad miljö över landsgränserna, det är lite gullit faktiskt

submitted 3 months ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

Some told me "pics or it didn't happen", so I posted videos from the world, that got some attention, and here I am, posting the entire 3GB world to the public for anyone to download and try:


Some may recognize it from a map posted to /r/minecraft years ago, that was also me.

The first few weeks/months I set the difficulty to peaceful survival, but after hgaving lost my bed and dying only to respawn far away from the base, I recovered a shadow copy backup and cheated into creative mode, a few years later after being annoyed, I removed bats and clouds from the world so I could focus on building stuff.

I never used any mods to enable me building faster or easier, apart from the above mentioned cheats this is vanilla minecraft, every block built in the last decade has been placed manually, every hole dug has been dug either manually or with TNT, often rigged to be synced with redstone if blasting horizontal.

To see what I probably think is the most impressing stuff, find Plattform 7 at the huge trainstation and follow the tracks.

BTW, the brick church is ginormous, go downstairs, and have a notebook to draw a map handy, it is a bizzare librarynth down there, and even I can't remember the way through.

The main runway is mined.

Look outside the wall(s)

submitted 3 months ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

During several years it was the main game I played, and I played it for hours every day.

I have recovered the map from backups when it developed save errors, I have recovered the map from a hard drive that was about to crash, and I have done some normal migrations between computers.

Most of the time spent in the map was spent in creative mode, all of the time spent has been spent playing without mods.

The map has it all:

  1. Weird towers, many weird towers.
  2. Railroads, many railroads, soo many railroads, I am not kidding, there is a huge ammount of railroads, it is frankly ridiculous how many railroads I have built.
  3. Weird religious buildings, from classic chruches, to many, many strange halls dedicated to religious or cult iconography.
  4. A huge, confusing, underground maze of libraries.
  5. Huge geometrical structures that just keeps going.
  6. A lot of odd glass and light sculptures.
  7. Hugely long but super narrow buildings that just goes on and on and on.

So my question is, if anyone would like to get a copy of this world and see what my mind has built over almost a decade.

submitted 3 months ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/superbowl@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/superbowl@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/sweden@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/pics@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by stoy@lemmy.zip to c/pics@lemmy.world
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