[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 weeks ago

RTings does a lot of long term OLED burn in tests usually displaying CNN since red tends to cause burn in better

Here is a pretty recent video on it including some monitors. It's interesting that ultra wide monitors have more problems than regular 16:9 ones.

[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 weeks ago

I think a lot of modern OLED panels will do a pixel shift if they detect a static image for too long. I never notice it on my TV, but might be more noticable on a monitor that you are closer to.

[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 20 points 3 weeks ago

Used to use Eternity, but switched to Voyager. I like Thunder, but Voyager is better at pulling in pictures posted outside of Lemmy.

[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 2 points 3 weeks ago

Hades II early access

[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 13 points 4 weeks ago

I do:

  • Wormhole.app: for smaller file transfers to people not tech savvy
  • Rsync: if the person is running an SSH server I can connect to
  • Bittorrent: pretty much anything else
[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 9 points 4 weeks ago

Depends on the game

A good example is the Ori games compared to Hollow Knight. Ori moves at a different speed depending how much you push the thumb stick so it feels more precise to use them. In Hollow Knight you move the same speed with the thumb stick no matter how little it is pressed so the d-pad feels better.

[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 2 points 1 month ago

I do the same because VLC has an installer on Windows while MPV you have to manually extract from a compressed folder and then run the install script from command line

[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 2 points 1 month ago

Pretty sure this means it's downtime between shots increased to 15 seconds from 10. Should still take the same amount of time to fire (I think that's around 3 seconds).

[-] monoboy@lemmy.zip 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The package name is:

It's listed in the Google Play store here:

The source code is available on GitHub here:


joined 4 months ago