Vermutlich wäre es am sinnvollsten, die Feuchtkugeltemperatur zu vergleichen statt der „normalen“ Temperatur. Es kann schon Sinn ergeben, für den Durchzug zu kühlen, wenn es drinnen feuchter ist…
There‘s a reasonable proposal for „en“, so you can just use that
The german language is not bound by the laws of some institute, you can just use whatever you like!*
* Not applicable in schools in saxony, bavaria, schleswig-holstein, and saxony-anhalt.
Huch, seid ihr nicht derselben Meinung? Ich bin leicht verwirrt…
It is good to find some joy in troubling times. But let‘s not do 100% escapism. With the right peers, we could fight climate change and enjoy furry art at the same time!
In Germany (dm), they have a separate isle for men‘s products, and „normal“ (less gendered) products everywhere else. Kinda weird.
Cute! :)
Naja, wenn das Portmonee dünn ist, dann lohnt es sich eher hin und wieder was teures wie Kaffee oder Tabak zu klauen, als zu versuchen den 2€ Blumenkohl irgendwie aus dem Laden rauszuschmuggeln…
Klar ist das kein nobler Protest, aber das System gerade ist halt auch nicht besonders nobel.
I‘m not particularly hyped about synthetic fuels, but the application to low-carbon cement seems important to me, if this is possible at the scale required
That depends: In a certain way, we are already 4D creatures, with three spatial and one time dimension. However, in these contexts it‘s often useful to only refer to spatial dimensions. The 4D creature then has 4 spatial dimensions, and shares our time dimension.
But maybe its four spatial dimensions are our three spatial dimensions plus our time, and its time is something else completely? Then, by rotating you, it could place your head at a different time than your feet. But that also breaks causality and stuff.
Is this post about gastritis? What are we uniting about here?
Me pretending not to be looking for a place to vomit, just in case
„Stromvertrag wechseln“ könnte auch so ein Punkt mit relativ hoher Wirkung aber extrem kleinen Aufwand sein.