
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah, but I'm fucking exhausted and tired of being disappointed.

[–] 22 points 20 hours ago (8 children)

Big mood. Just had the third person tell me, "I'm just not feeling any romantic chemistry" in as many weeks.

Wondering if it's time to give up.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The URL made me think of this:


More like Barracu-DAMN, am I right?

[–] 55 points 2 days ago (1 children)

This is undeniably hilarious, but if you've ever seen actual dissection photos or videos of surgery, you kinda recognize that good anatomical drawings required a lot of mental effort to create.

Imagine making a completely accurate diagram of everything in a car's engine bay, either while the engine is running and it's doing 70mph down the highway, or after it's had a head-on collision at the same speed.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

We've seen plenty of evidence that the current inflation is almost entirely driven by companies price gouging consumers.

And actually, the fact that the price hasn't increased is pretty obvious evidence of this.

Do you think, for one second, Apple would accept any appreciable hit to its profit margin if their costs had inflated 1:1 with consumer prices? Especially when they have a perfect excuse to blame a price increase on?

The phone may cost them a little more to make than last year, but I doubt it's that much.

There's tons of elasticity built into the pricing already so that carriers can offer discounts.

[–] 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

The point is kind of moot because the phone definitely comes with the cable:

The article is actually about the new AirPods. I was going entirely off the information in the comment I was replying to.

The thing is, the iPhone 14, 15 and 16 all have the same launch price: $799 US

Adjusted for inflation, the 14 and 15 may have cost more, but Apple is almost certainly making that money back somewhere else. Like, say, making people pay for accessories that used to be included?

And at the end of the day, the prices consumers pay for end products don't follow the exact same curve as the prices megacorporations pay for materials and labor. We've seen plenty of evidence that the current inflation is almost entirely driven by companies price gouging consumers. So it's not really reasonable to assume that Apple's costs have gone up 1:1 with consumer prices anyway.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (3 children)

But here's the question: does it cost Apple $20 to make a cable? I seriously doubt it. It probably costs them closer to 20 cents per cable. So in reality, they now make approximately $20 more from every sale than they did before.

Sure, not everyone is buying a cable with every phone. But cables get lost, they wear out, they get stolen by your kids to charge their iPhones because they broke theirs, they get chewed up by pets, etc.

And you can bet your ass that, just like any other high-margin item, the people in the Apple store are gonna be incentivized like hell to get every customer to buy a cable with their phone whether they really need it or not:

Do you have a charging cable?

Is it an Apple cable?

Are you sure you have one that's USB-C and supports USB Power Delivery?

And it's not worn out?

You say your dog chewed on it a little but it's mostly intact and still works?

Well, I'd recommend getting a new one anyway.

Yeah you can get your own if you want but it's best if you get an Apple cable.

OK great, that comes out to $820 total. And do you want to insure your phone for $5 a month?

[–] 110 points 3 days ago (13 children)

It's fine if they reduce the price accordingly.

If it's still the same price after they take the cable out, it was never about reducing waste to begin with.

Knowing Apple, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, which is why I never have and never will own any of their products.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (27 children)

I feel like you either fear and/or despise generative AI, or you think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

There seems to be very little in-between.

[–] 23 points 4 days ago

Car manufacturers have brilliantly managed to convince me never to buy a car made after ~2015.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Your opinion is posited as an absolute: "This is useless"

That's not even correct. I said "not all that useful" and then "next to useless". Never "absolutely useless".

The whole point of this feature is to provide something built into Steam that works without a whole bunch of fiddling like other recording software. It currently fails at that on Linux because the implementation of it is half-assed. That is my position. End of conversation.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I see this as a substitute for Shadowplay, which records your microphone if you enable it, which I previously used on Windows to record gameplay clips, but it doesn't exist on Linux.

Steam Game Recording can record your microphone on Windows, but they haven't bothered to make it work on Linux for whatever reason.

As currently implemented on Linux, it captures all system audio and cannot be configured to do anything otherwise, so if you're talking with friends on TeamSpeak, it'll only capture half of the fucking conversation. Making it next to useless.

I'm getting really annoyed that people are going out of their way to invalidate my opinion here.


The order of the person ahead of me was still on screen when I pulled up to order. I took the picture in a bit of a hurry cause I didn't know when the screen was gonna reset.

(Archive link in case it's changed.)

This article is a surprisingly entertaining read for a few reasons:

  • one or more people who wrote it clearly have very strong opinions about how nuclear weapons should be built
  • the article contains a surprising amount of detail, including stuff that seems like it'd be classified or at least censored
  • due to both of the above, there's a ton of [citation needed] that I doubt will ever be resolved

Over the past couple weeks I've gotten emails from both Senators and a House Rep from the State of Minnesota. All three emails have been concerning the Israel/Palestine conflict, and are worded as replies to a some message I sent them.

I've never set foot in the state, let alone lived there (I'm on the other side of the country). I've never sent messages to any of those members of Congress, and I've never signed any petition giving any group the right to contact Congress about this matter.

I suspect my name and email address might have been used in some sort of astroturfing campaign targeting Congress. Or these might be spam emails impersonating the members of Congress for some reason. I noticed the House rep and one of the Senators is up for re-election this year.

Has anyone else gotten emails like this?

I've tried to send messages back to these people but the forms on their websites require submitting an address in their state/district, so I'm not sure what to do. The From: addresses seem like they might have been faked, or they're no-reply addresses, so I wasn't sure about just replying to the emails.

I also thought about calling their offices but I wasn't sure if this was something important enough to bother their staff about, and they're two hours ahead of me so their offices are closed by the time I get off work anyway.


This meme has become a running joke in my friend group:

We were fucking around with the Meta AI in WhatsApp and I got it to say this

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