Please tag the post as NSFW and follow the community rule 9 as well, or this post will unfortunately be removed. Thank you.
Neither of these seem to be against the Lemmy NSFW instance rules on the homepage..
Rule 6. No Illegal or Prohibited Content: The sharing or promotion of anything Illegal is Prohibited.
Obviously laws around anything differ from country to country, but while fictional depiction of stuff like that is not illegal, promotion of real-life animal abuse definitely is. Hopefully I've clarified the issue.
Please mark this as NSFW as soon as you can, or it will be removed, ty
We are working to find a solution everyone can agree on, where we dont have to ban things like hentai with small breasts, etc. while still hitting the root problem. In the meantime we're using our discretion to remove posts that look underage
Fit as hell! Thanks for contributing! <3
Ive run into a few more issues with my AMD GPU so ima give up for now, but thanks for your help anyway! :D
Awesome, should i also disable the max path limit of 260 characters?
Hmm i uninstalled and reinstaqlled and i'm not seeing an option for "Add Python to PATH" Could there be an alternate name?
After extracting the WebUI files and doing the git clone, ive tried to double click webui-user.bat but the terminal that opens up says "python not found" but i've got python downloaded..
oh code > download ZIP
Thanks! this is very helpful :). Also, and maaybe more importantly, idk how to download things off of github. I 'Go To File' and theres no download button. I'm sure im missing something simple lol
one of my favs from reddit has made the move, good to see that pink hole over here!