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[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 18 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (1 children)

in the medical field you have sort of two opposing forces:

there's a severe lack of personnel, because personnel is very hard to train, and its not practical for doctors to train a bunch of people simultaneously.

Governments want them to train more, but the consequence of training more is you get sloppier work, and all the doctors pay will decrease because theyd essentially be training their competition/replacements.

Given the fact that the medical field is one of the hardest fields to enter (and one of the costliest ones), existing doctors have much more to lose if there is a flood of new workers. Doctors on a reletive scale are overworked and underpaid, and adding more staff would address the overworked part, but doesn't fixed the underpaid part. Given that South Korea has a socialized health care, it's virtually a matter of the government willing to pay more for doctors or not

edit: I should preface, by underpaid, its not how much they get paid once they finish all their trianing (which is a lot, almost 4x the average). it's just that while doctors are going through the intern status, they get paid peanuts(basically country average) while working (an illegal) amount of time, so the journey up to becoming a full fledged doctor is basically work slavery. It's in a very similar boat to like trade school apprenticeship (where you start off with destitute pay) but gradually gets better and you get options for more hours. the only difference is doctors have that mandatory almost decade year of training while trade jobs start work almost instantly.

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 15 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (1 children)

the idea of it improving battery is that generating frames is less performance intensive than running a certain framerate (e.g 60 fps capped game with frame gen at double the framerate consumes less power than running the same game at 120 fps). though its slightly less practical because frame generation only makes sense when the base framerate is high enough (ideally above 60) to avoid a lot of screen artifacting. So in practical use, this only makes sense to "save battery" in the context that you have a 120hz+ screen and choose to cap framerate to 60-75fps.

If one is serious about minmaxing battery to performance in a realistic value, people should have the screen cap at 40 hz, as it has half of the input latency between 30 and 60 fps, but only requires 10 more fps than 30 which is a very realistic performance target for maintaining a minimum on handheld.

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 6 points 2 days ago

my domain is my media server, so id rather not end my domain.

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 4 points 2 days ago

the advtage the steam system has is first the bought game/gifted game situation, as well as the more important factor, the recent opinion score, as at amy given momemt a game can get good because of a major change (e. g payday 2 reverting all the pay 2 win content the original publisher mandated) or gone to shit because of greed or a bad patch.

the problem users have is finding a curator that has a similar taste in games that they do. If I was a fan of JRPGs, im not going to care about the opinion on some person who doesnt really play jrpgs. at the same time, if you like some niche genre, to the general public, that niche is always less popular, so itll get worse ratings thanit should compared to people who enjoy said niche.

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 11 points 2 days ago

itll more likely go into the XeSS route with alternative code path

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 22 points 2 days ago

Aldi Nord controlled stores in the US are Trader Joes, Aldi Sud stores in the US are just Aldi

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 95 points 3 days ago (7 children)

basically how i see it with delivery trucks, you need a few things.

heated/air vented seats for driver comfort along with AC.

easy access to the back of the truck

as well as room to stand in the truck, because the driver is going to have to constantly get in and out of the driver seat, so being able to get out easier/faster is good.

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

to me, Mortal Kombat goes under the "Soo bad its good" category.

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 15 points 5 days ago

while I personally don't like when people use clout for things like this, some people don't realize how big politically she can be. She outright had governments fighting for show exclusivity just so she would choose their country for people to travel to. Her influences has whole damn governments fighting each other.

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 3 points 5 days ago

also in the article:

According to reports from China’s Huashang Daily and National Business Daily newspapers at the weekend, one five-star hotel in Hangzhou had banned electric vehicles from the basement parking lot, citing recent cases in which they have started fires.

“Based on the characteristics of electric vehicle fires and our hotel’s firefighting capabilities, we think it safer not to allow them into the underground garage,” the papers quoted the hotel’s security manager as saying.

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 5 points 5 days ago (2 children)

basically market has always shown convenience often trumps ownership, music streaming, video streaming, games now. ownership is the vocal minority

[–] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

the problem is the covid supply chain ended a while ago and console sales havent drastically picked up since then. the PS5 has been orderable direct from sony for quite a long while now, and shortly after in stores. physical game sales (something console users champion, has gone way down (according to sony, only 30% of the sales are physical now)

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