Why can't you say 'woman' when refering to a woman?
What makes me an asshole here?
Did you mean to reply to me?
I'm hungry but I can't eat because I haven't bought food or done the dishes.
I could go and buy food, but that requires multiple steps of organisation and going outside and yeah, like I could do that, but I don't wanna put on pants and find my keys. Also even if I do all the many, many things required to go outside and buy the food, I still have to wash the dishes to be able to cook/prep it.
I think I'm just going to deal with heing hungry for a bit. It's less effort.
Eh, I was tired and sad all the time as a kid too. At least now I have autonomy and don't have to live with crazy people.
Those guys are the rapiest ones. It's disingenuous to act like the types of men who call women 'females' aren't the same guys who neg, space invade and spike drinks.
It's technically vegan if the human consents and wants to be eaten.
I don't have any desire or curiosity to eat meat, human or animal, so I wouldn't partake. The added vore fetish sexual aspect is also really gross to me tbh.
Uk is having a national election next month too! It was only called about a month ago now so that's probably why it's not on the map.
I like your hat!