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The original was posted on /r/thenetherlands by /u/FreezyQ on 2023-09-21 20:17:37+00:00.
Dear lovely people,
I am looking for invasive woody plants like those I list below (with images) in The Netherlands for my ikebana project on Monday/Tuesday(25/26 September)—places like in specific forests or your/your neighbour's backyard. I need the woody ones specifically since they last long after the branches are cut off.
Any one or two types would help a lot! I really appreciate any help you guys can provide.
(Preferably with Zuid-Holland or Maastricht area cause both are ideal and reachable for me during the timeframe.)
My previous ikebana works for viewing:
Triadica sebifera
Robinia pseudoacacia
Acacia saligna
Acer negundo
pinus sylvestris
8 .Prunus serotina