For me, it's the continued working through the web serial Pale by J.C. McCrae aka Wildbow. I'm at Crossed With Silver 19.4.
Book Club
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Hey thanks for this recommendation, I just ordered it, looks like something I would like
Just finished Shock Doctrine. Klein's observations are on point, economic shock therapy is just the same old quackery as 1950s psychiatric shock therapy was when they tortured people with depression and anxiety. You can't just shock someone back to being a tabula rusa. All you do is shatter them, and it's the same when they do it to countries.
But I think she is overly focused on disaster capitalism as being some kind of new phenomenon, when really it's more like the same old underdevelopment which has been present throughout all colonialist history. It's just recolonization.
Rereading "To Kill a Mockingbird"
I haven't read this in 25 years, I will put it on my list
just got back from a week-long sesshin (zen meditation retreat), so no reading during that time, lol. a bunch of my holds came in at the library though! "Prophet Against Slavery" about the early American emancipationist vegan Quaker Benjamin Lay, "Vegan Africa" by Marie Kacouchia, and also "Borne" by Jeff Vandermeer. gonna be on the road a lot this week so i am hoping to make some progress on these!
Le Guin's Always Coming Home. It's a very slow read, but beautiful, I might be reading this for the next month or so...
The carnism is always a little jarring but such is life.