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What is Solarpunk?

A SolarPunk Manifesto

Basic Rules:

For any community related question or to just test some function: !

Try our Photon & Alexandrite frontends.

Or try our lightweight UI and Voyager mobile UI.

All accounts also work with XMPP chat automatically incl. our Movim client.

If you need to jointly brainstorm on your next Solarpunk text, try our Etherpad.

And don't miss our Wiki.

founded 2 years ago

Where solarpunks organize for a better world!


October 2024 meta post

October is upon us! And with it, a new Monthly Meta Post! Us admins check the comments to this post frequently, so in addition to having some of the latest news and announcements, it also acts as a sort of community square to discuss anything and everything related to the instance.

Onto the news of the month.

Communities in need of new mods

We regularly prune abandoned communities, but sometimes there are those that have been quite active in the past and would benefit from someone new taking the over and doing moderation. For example, these communities have seemingly inactive moderators:

So speak up if you would like to take over these communities as a mod, or maybe you are one of the mods of these communities and have just been lurking for several months? In both cases please let us know below, or otherwise we will consider pruning these communities next month.

Language specific Solarpunk communities

Since SLRPNK is primarily English speaking, we would like to take this opportunity to highlight some non-english Solarpunk communities on other Lemmy instances:

If you know any others, please let us know in the comments.

If you are interested in opening a language specific Solarpunk community here on SLRPNK (and are willing to moderate it well, given we admins are likely unable to support in languages we don't speak), let us know and we can discuss the details. Some Asian language communities for example would probably cover an interesting niche that is currently not served at all.

Photon as primary frontend for SLRPNK? (Update)

As mentioned in last month's update, we are considering to move our Photon frontend to the domain root to replace the current frontend. @punkisundead was so kind to develop a custom color scheme for it, emulating our current theming. So far there seem to be no blockers for this switch and neither were there any objections, so we will probably go ahead in the coming weeks and do the switch. The current frontend will be moved to a sub-domain most likely, and remain accessible there for those who prefer it.

Technical Updates

The previous issues with the NVMe drives and the wiki have been resolved, and currently the server is running without issues. This leaves us with the opportunity to play around with some new stuff and maybe fix the remaining smaller login issues with the wiki. One plan is to improve the audio/video call features of our Movim instance. We currently don't run our own STUN/TURN infrastructure, making it fail to connect sometimes, but that should be a relatively simple addition. Furthermore, it would be a nice preparation for the peer-to-peer group-call feature that is likely to land in Movim before the end of the year. There is also a new Matrix to XMPP gateway that might be worth exploring. It would allow contacting Matrix users in 1:1 chats and for Matrix users to enter our XMPP group-chats. Due to technical issues with the Matrix network, we will probably disable the reverse to prevent overloading the resources of our server. The support for incoming 1:1 messages might be interesting as Lemmy currently only has built in support for Matrix accounts/addresses in the profile (although we would love if that would change).

On a side note: is the first additional Lemmy instance that implemented our XMPP account linking script and now also offers XMPP accounts to all of their approximately 2000 members. If you know a Lemmy instance admin that might be also interested in this, please let us know and we are happy to help set it up. The needed Ejabberd server is very low resource use, so it can be run next to Lemmy without problems.

Open Discussion

It’s now your turn to tell us what’s new! Any topic related to this community, our infrastructure, or the Fediverse at large is fair game. If you’ve created a new community, this is a great thread to tell us about it. All comments will get extra visibility up until the beginning of next month. Got questions? Ask’em!

Poofs (
submitted 17 minutes ago by to c/

He was the sweetest little fluffy rodent. It's the first time I'm losing a pet rat. I'm crying a bunch 😭 And well... it's normal; it's the cycle of life and death. A good reminder to cherish life itself and the ones around us, pets or humans. I'm treating my 4 other little critters today to celebrate them being alive and healthy.

I didn't have him for very long, and it still hurt a lot to lose him. I took him in July, as I had a lonely rat I rescued at home. He has been a lovely companion to Hatchi for the time he was there. He was 1 year and a half at the time according to the previous owner.

This photo taken when he was still healthy btw.

Thanks for taking time to read this. I just needed to tell somebody 💖

Rest in peace, Pistache

me_irl (
submitted 57 minutes ago by to c/

Trump is already laying the groundwork to dispute the results of another election, leveling baseless charges of interference as his own federal election interference case progresses.

Former President Donald Trump has never stopped propagating falsehoods that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. But now, he is increasingly turning his attention to pre-emptive claims the 2024 election is being rigged to prevent him from returning to the White House.

This year, Trump and his campaign have cited more than a dozen examples of so-called election interference activities by Americans to claim the coming election is being unfairly manipulated. But as general election voting begins around the country, the campaign has provided no evidence of actual cheating and no specific allegations related to potentially illegal efforts by Americans to tamper with this fall’s election proceedings.

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"Die Medien sind bekanntermassen nicht erst seit gestern in der Krise, sei es aus finanziellen Gründen oder wegen rechtspopulistischen Dauerbeschusses. Das gilt insbesondere für den Kulturjournalismus, der definitionsgemäss eher eine Sparte bedient.

Nun kommt eine Hiobsbotschaft aus Deutschland: In den Plänen für eine Reform des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks steht unter anderem der Fernsehsender 3sat auf der Streichliste. Der Kultursender wird bislang gemeinsam von den deutschen Öffentlich-Rechtlichen, dem österreichischen ORF sowie der SRG betrieben.

Besagte Liste hat eine mit der Reform beauftragte Kommission vor ein paar Tagen vorgelegt. Es geht dabei wie so oft primär darum, Geld einzusparen, um eine allfällige Erhöhung der Gebühren möglichst niedrig zu halten. Aus dem Papier geht hervor, dass insgesamt zwanzig Radiosender sowie vier bis fünf Spartensender gestrichen oder fusioniert werden sollen. Für die öffentlich-rechtliche Kulturberichterstattung im Fernsehen bedeutete dies, dass entweder Arte oder 3sat verschwinden würden. Da Arte aber auf Grundlage des deutsch-französischen Staatsvertrags sendet, würde eine Fusionierung der beiden Kanäle darauf hinauslaufen, dass 3sat in Arte aufgeht. Und dies schon in naher Zukunft: Der Reformstaatsvertrag soll von den Ministerpräsidenten der einzelnen Bundesländer noch diesen Oktober beschlossen werden; kommenden Sommer würde er dann in Kraft treten.

Das Aus für 3sat ist noch nicht definitiv – Hoffnung macht zumindest das Echo, das die Bekanntgabe der Reformpläne provoziert hat. Die «Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung», immerhin ein Leitmedium des deutschen Kulturbürgertums, verwies etwa empört auf den Bildungsauftrag von ARD und ZDF: «Welchen Auftrag leisten Biathlon und ‹Traumschiff› für die Demokratie?» In dieselbe Kerbe schlug die Schriftstellerin und EU-Parlamentarierin Sibylle Berg, die auf X [und im Fediverse ] schrieb: «Wer braucht Bildung, Kultur, Wissenschaft, gute Filme, wenn Sport und Liebesschnulzen geeigneter sind, um Menschen zu verblöden.» Der renommierte österreichische Journalist Armin Wolf warnte, dass eine 3sat-Abwrackung ein «extremer Verlust» wäre.

Es stimmt natürlich, dass dieser Verlust vor allem ein Nischenpublikum betreffen würde – eines, das wochentags das TV-Feuilleton «Kulturzeit» schaut und es zu schätzen weiss, wenn auch mal moderner Tanz im Fernsehen läuft. Zugleich aber zeigt 3sat sehr wohl auch Programme mit mehr Breitenwirkung, derzeit etwa die Thrillerserie «Der Schwarm». Zudem ist das 3sat-Programm sehr kostengünstig: Lediglich zwei Cent pro Monat und Gebührenzahler:in fliessen aus dem ARD-Haushalt in den Sender, wie die «Berliner Zeitung» ausgerechnet hat – ein «lächerlicher Betrag», so das Blatt.

Noch bis zum 11. Oktober läuft eine öffentliche Anhörung zu den Reformplänen. Bis dahin will die Journalistin Katja Riha möglichst viele Unterschriften gesammelt haben: Riha hat online eine Petition zum Erhalt von 3sat gestartet, die immerhin bereits mehrere Tausend unterzeichnet haben. «Wir brauchen 3sat als Plattform für kritische Debatten, als Bühne für kreative Vielfalt und als Stimme der europäischen Kultur», heisst es in dem Aufruf.

Die Petition unterschreiben kann man unter"


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Socialism is not even radical

Problems (
submitted 1 hour ago by Track_Shovel to c/memes

s6e25 "The Haunting of Deck Twelve"

Spocktober Trek header

Halloween font generator with several typefaces

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